Neat idea and use for A-spec pts

  • Thread starter sicbeing
I just got done playing GT4 for a few hours, I was able to 190+ a-spec pt two more races today, one 194 andone 200. I had a really neat idea on how A-Spec pts could have been a better use to us.

What if... When a race starts, there is a determined "prize money" for 1st place. Say a race is 100cr. for 1st place. Say, you win the race, and you get 50 apsec pts, you would only get 50cr. from the race. if you catch my drift, that measn the A-Spec is now a % of how much of the prize money you get.

This way, you would want to choose a more challenging race, this way you get more % of the prize. Say you win a 200 A-Spec pt race, and the pre-determined prize amount is 100,000cr. Now, since you passed 1st place with 200 A-Spec pts, you've won 200% of 100,000 , meaning you get 200,000.

Now say you win a 15,000cr. race. You used a Minolta and only got 1 A-Spec pt. So you win 1% of 15,000cr., meaning you just won 150cr. because you over-killed the race.

Anyone else think this is a good idea? Or if this has already been said?
hmmm...thats not a terrible idea but i can see where your coming from. im not too sure about it. higher point races are more difficult for people (like me) who use the classic (or wireless) controller and not a wheel setup. but i can see it possibly being something like that
Wow, well honestly I thought I'd have more positive feedback about the idea to actually use a-spec points for something other than "hey check out how many a-spec points I have". The main idea of this idea is to make the game more of a challenge, not so much go in with 1000+hp for every race in the game once you have that kind of money, but to make it more in-line with the AI racers, in terms of a challenge. Sure, with this idea you could still enter with over-kill cars, and unlock prize cars and avdance in the game, but you'd be broke and money would come by a lot slower.
This is sort of what Enthusia did with it's odds system. Basically, the more challenging you make the races, the more you are rewarded. This is one of the things that Enthusia did better than GT4.

I like your idea sicbeing 👍. I'd make it so that that max number of A-Spec points is 100, since 200 is rather arbitrary, and it's easier to figure out how much money you will win if everything is on a 100% scale.

Also, I'd like it so that you can see how many A-Spec points a race will be worth on the race main menu so that you can adjust your car accordingly, rather than guessing and either getting screwed or winning too easily.
Nice idea:tup: Though I dont care about a-spec points, it might become interesting after all, if it's changed into such a system where they actually are REWARDING:lol:

Very nice:)
How about setting a spec point minimum for each race. In other words races would demand your car to score at least the minimum spec point required to enter a race. So if the race requires your car score at least 100 spec points, and your car scores 50, you would need to downgrade your car to score at least 100 spec points.
I'd like to see a more sensible evaluation of the points system first. Some of the 200pt races (I'm thinking of the trucks here) are ridiculously easy. But sometimes I show up and GT4 offers me 1pt, but the race is virtually impossible because one of the AI cars has a killer advantage.

It all seems a bit arbitrary to me. For example, you can upgrade to a triple-plate clutch, which reduces your lap time by 1s, and there is no change to your points allocation. But if you add 15bhp, which reduces your lap time by 0.1s, there's a huge reduction in points available.
A new idea for A-spec points would be something like being able to win some points for 2nd/3rd places, i've tried to do some races where i only have about 180-200hp and race against cars with at least 276hp (yes, it's the japanese championship one! in case you were wondering).

With starting off at the back, I managed to get 2nd place by some sort of miracle but didn't get any points because an NSX (or similar car) started first and shot right ahead because no-one was in front of him!

Anyways, that's an interesting idea sicbeing, just needs some work on it to make it a good idea...

P.S. A little off-topic but I WANT a quialification mode for most/all races so i wont have this problem...
I just got done playing GT4 for a few hours, I was able to 190+ a-spec pt two more races today, one 194 andone 200. I had a really neat idea on how A-Spec pts could have been a better use to us.

What if... When a race starts, there is a determined "prize money" for 1st place. Say a race is 100cr. for 1st place. Say, you win the race, and you get 50 apsec pts, you would only get 50cr. from the race. if you catch my drift, that measn the A-Spec is now a % of how much of the prize money you get.

This way, you would want to choose a more challenging race, this way you get more % of the prize. Say you win a 200 A-Spec pt race, and the pre-determined prize amount is 100,000cr. Now, since you passed 1st place with 200 A-Spec pts, you've won 200% of 100,000 , meaning you get 200,000.

Now say you win a 15,000cr. race. You used a Minolta and only got 1 A-Spec pt. So you win 1% of 15,000cr., meaning you just won 150cr. because you over-killed the race.

Anyone else think this is a good idea? Or if this has already been said?

Despite the lukewarm reception, I think this isn't a bad idea. Of course, PD would need to iron the kinks out of the A-Spec system first... But it would be a way to stop people using vehicles which massively outclass the field, but without actually forcing them to do it.
A new idea for A-spec points would be something like being able to win some points for 2nd/3rd places
Yes. If a win is worth 180 points, than getting 2nd is no small feat, and should be worth 120 points, instead of zero.
I'd like to see a more sensible evaluation of the points system first. Some of the 200pt races (I'm thinking of the trucks here) are ridiculously easy. But sometimes I show up and GT4 offers me 1pt, but the race is virtually impossible because one of the AI cars has a killer advantage.

It all seems a bit arbitrary to me. For example, you can upgrade to a triple-plate clutch, which reduces your lap time by 1s, and there is no change to your points allocation. But if you add 15bhp, which reduces your lap time by 0.1s, there's a huge reduction in points available.

I'll use that in my advantage next time I race in GT4:tup:
This is a pretty good idea but you also have to factor in that I think most people (including me) get most of their money from selling prize cars. So that form of economy in the game has to change first. They have to make it so that you can't use a rally car in that Costa Di Almafi easy course that goes up against Audi Quattro's from the 80s.

I think the main problem with A-Spec points is that there's always 1 or 2 cars that really don't stand a chance in the group (like the Ford GT LM Race Car among Mazda 787s, Toyota GT-Ones or the classic Silvia vs the new turbo-powered Silvas) so it brings the points up. What they should just do is bring back the Horsepower regulations from GT2.
I read about wanting the A-Spec point evaluation done differently than how it is calculated now, I agree. Right now, I believe the way the points are set up in GT4 is the power/weight ratio difference between the cars, this is why clutch kits, brakes, suspension, etc, all have no effect on the a spec points.

The only way to my knowledge the game could recognize a huge overkill is to recognize parts as "points" added/subtracted to the power-weight ratio, like say origional suspension adds a certain pertentage to the number of the ratio just so the game can tell how much of an advantage you have over the racers with stock suspension, or tires, or etc.

I also think races have to have the cars grouped together better, too many times at the higher end game have i seen 4/6 cars trailing behind the top 2 racers, and the 4 that are behind are usually huddled together the entire race, while you and the "head AI racer" are taking a huge lead.

And yes I also agree that it shouldnt be so ridiculously easy to earn money by getting expensive cars from easy races. I think that the only cars you should be able to sell are stock production cars, this way rare one-of-a-kind cars like rally or tour cars are looked less down-upon, and looked more to players like a true prize (because those should be one of a kind rare cars to own, no ordinary racer has them, especially 100+ of them).
If I'm honest...I think they should just skip A-Spec points all together...there really is no need for them as they don't contribute to the game in any way...and I can see the idea you're trying to convey...but for me personally they'd go from pointless to downright annoying.

What about races that give you prizes of 1Mill? meaning if you win you get 2Mill....whether you won by 2 or 20 seconds in a 200 A-spec rated car...doesn't seem right...almost too easy...another easy cash route like they had 5 times over in GT4
If I'm honest...I think they should just skip A-Spec points all together...there really is no need for them as they don't contribute to the game in any way...and I can see the idea you're trying to convey...but for me personally they'd go from pointless to downright annoying.

What about races that give you prizes of 1Mill? meaning if you win you get 2Mill....whether you won by 2 or 20 seconds in a 200 A-spec rated car...doesn't seem right...almost too easy...another easy cash route like they had 5 times over in GT4

Well Im sure that if my a-spec pt thing was in GT5 they'd balance the prizes around that fact, so it isnt like hitting the lottery everytime you win a race.
I dont like it.
1st place is 1st place, and the winner takes the spoils. Back when racing was for actual cash prizes (and not the sposorship we have today), it didnt matter if you won in a faster car or slower car, you won and you got the same money.

I think though, If we are going to get racing fields of 10+ cars, they should give out aspec points for podiums. At the start of the race they show the maximum aspec points availible to win, and if you win, you get them. If you get second, you should get half of them, 3rd would net you a third of them.
Anyone else think this is a good idea? Or if this has already been said?
Not a bad idea; that, or making the A-spec points worth something.

For example: You can't unlock the Stage 3 turbos until you score a certian amount of A-spec points. Or giving you a prize car for a certain amount of points.

No wait...Make them worth an error or two during "whole-lap" Superlicense tests!
Sicbeing, it's a really good idea indeed! 👍
Tought, I hate the A-spec points system but this system could actually make it alot better.