Need a Nissan PENNZOIL ZEXEL GT-R '01

I can trade any other car or ticket for a Nissan PENNZOIL ZEXEL GT-R '01.

Also have paints, gear, museum cards, and horns I can trade as well.
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I have one and it's a 0/0/0 car. Would you be able to send a copy of it back to me (i.e. do you have a USB thumbdrive to back up your save file)? If so send me a FR at AFTAC_99104. I can send it as soon as I get the FR.
I have one for trade. I can send tomorrow after reset. I would like you Level 22 ticket in exchange.
I have one and it's a 0/0/0 car. Would you be able to send a copy of it back to me (i.e. do you have a USB thumbdrive to back up your save file)? If so send me a FR at AFTAC_99104. I can send it as soon as I get the FR.

I can do that, I'm sending a friend request right now.
FR received and accepted. Car will be coming in about five minutes (need to retrieve the backup save file that it's in). :)

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