Need a tune for r8 race car '01

  • Thread starter Jandersen
I have been looking all over for a good tune for this car, I might be missing it, but i cant seem to find it anywhere. So is there any kind person out there that can help me out with a good tune for this car:)?

Thanks in advance.

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I just tweaked the stock setup... it's more of your driving style when your running le mans... everyone has there own style... But it's always good to try others setup... Just to see
WHEW man this car is fast!!! Ive been struggling to tune iam not saying that iam the best at tuning whatsoever but this car has been a nightmare for me.. I havent got it yet to where i feel completely comfortable with it but iam getting close. To tell you man this toughest hurdle is the lsd to tune. Try running a 36to 38 intial torque and a 44 sensitive acceleration and a 26 to 28 braking sensitivity. This is the biggest thing for this car getting the lsd where you like it will definitely make it more posssible for you to throttle a lil through and out the corners. Also only keep your dampners around 1 point apart between ext and comp (comp being one point lower always). Also run a ili higher positive front and rear toe try a .12 front and .26 rear. The rest will come for me i hope and wish you luck. The hardest part with these cars is finding that close edge to where its loose and fast but not so much that you cant keep it wall the wall when you touch the gas.

your gt pal