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Hey guys. I have a tune, but it's nto fast. The tops I am running is around a 38.3 or so. Anyone help me? I have tried searching but cannot find one.
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Properly tuning any car for Daytona will depend how you plan on racing it. If you looking for a short run (less than 15 laps) and not running tire wear then you don't need the wing or aero. But if you are running and endurance race (15+ laps) with tire wear then a rear wing and downforce plays a much bigger role in your setup.stiff springs and dampers, 1.0 to 3.0 camber up front, minimum aero if you have a wing installed, and you can try raising and lowering the ride height. My NASCAR setup has the height all the way up, sounds counter intuitive but I get better times with that. Also install the chassis reinforcement, makes a big difference in the corners.
Properly tuning any car for Daytona will depend how you plan on racing it. If you looking for a short run (less than 15 laps) and not running tire wear then you don't need the wing or aero. But if you are running and endurance race (15+ laps) with tire wear then a rear wing and downforce plays a much bigger role in your setup.
What type of tires are you running? If you running a 38.3 by yourself around Daytona with racing hard tires your doing something right.
Properly tuning any car for Daytona will depend how you plan on racing it. If you looking for a short run (less than 15 laps) and not running tire wear then you don't need the wing or aero. But if you are running and endurance race (15+ laps) with tire wear then a rear wing and downforce plays a much bigger role in your setup.
on my enzo I have the wing off with the rear a little lower than the front. I race usually with tire wear off though
my gears i set the final gear to 5.500 and then make the top speed to 124. then i go to each gear and put them all the way to the left except the 6th gear I adjust accordingly then I lower the final gear down to where the top speed at the top is around 280mphish.
my fastest lap time is right at the top of 37.7 and my consistant laps is lower to the mid 37.8 laps
stiff springs and dampers, 1.0 to 3.0 camber up front, minimum aero if you have a wing installed, and you can try raising and lowering the ride height. My NASCAR setup has the height all the way up, sounds counter intuitive but I get better times with that. Also install the chassis reinforcement, makes a big difference in the corners.
Negative rear toe, in combination with what's been said above.
My tune for the Veyron is very similar but really doesn't work for the Enzo.
Part of your problem is the stiff spring rate and anti-roll bar setting that your using. The stiff spring rate will cause your car to oversteer so try lowering it. Personally, I would just reset the suspension setting back to default and start from there. Also, try lowering your LSD since you have it locked. Drop it to 50/50/5 but if you were running tire wear then I'd open up the LSD more.
Your camber and toe should be OK since your not running tire wear but if you ever decide to run in a race with tire wear then you will definitely want negative toe front and rear.
I have a PDF tuning sheet that I put together to help with making adjustments to your car. I keep a printout of it on my wall next to me to make my adjustments. My tuning sheet doesn't give you a tune it just help you tune your car.
Just remember, when making adjustments only make one adjustment at a time. Some adjustments (ride height) I'll adjust by +/- 5 while other adjustment (Spring Rate) I only adjust by +/- 0.5.
There is no one perfect tune out there, it's best to understand what the car is doing then make your adjustments.
When I start tuning a car I usually start with just raise the rear ride height and lowering the rear spring rate first and then go from there.
Using these changes I am now running high 37.8s now. Still not great control around the corners now.Swap your spring rates and reverse your rear toe.
Still not great control around the corners now.
I'm not sure what that means, but if I assume you're running the following:
This is my current tune:
ride height pos 40f pos 40r
spring rate 15.0f 12.5r
damp 1f 1r
damp 1f 1r
roll 2f 7r
Cam 1.2f .08r
Toe pos .13f neg .28r
L.s.d 60 60 5 FnR
If it's too loose, slowly stiffen up the rear spring .5 at a time, increase rear camber .2 at a time, lower front ride height 2 at a time, or adjust the rear toe, closer to zero, .05 at a time.
But before any of that, I would change the LSD to 15/30/15 and see how that feels. Then move on to the above. But, you need to be more specific with what you're feeling, or having issues with.
Try these settings:I'm not sure what that means, but if I assume you're running the following:
This is my current tune:
ride height pos 40f pos 40r
spring rate 15.0f 12.5r
damp 1f 1r
damp 1f 1r
roll 2f 7r
Cam 1.2f .08r
Toe pos .13f neg .28r
L.s.d 60 60 5 FnR
If it's too loose, slowly stiffen up the rear spring .5 at a time, increase rear camber .2 at a time, lower front ride height 2 at a time, or adjust the rear toe, closer to zero, .05 at a time.
But before any of that, I would change the LSD to 15/30/15 and see how that feels. Then move on to the above. But, you need to be more specific with what you're feeling, or having issues with.
The handling is definitely better now, with the new LSD changes. I guess how I should have stated is that when running the high line, the car gets really loose, but on the bottom it is too tight. So only running a middle line is the best and gets me the best timing. What I want is to be able to take it at any line without having to get below the yellow or hit the wall. As well, what is your speed down the back stretch for trans settings? I am working on it now as well, I am hitting about 243 down the back, then cornering.
Try these settings:
RH: -10/+25
SR: 9.5/8.5
Damp: 5/6
Damp: 4/5
RB: 5/3
LSD: 45/50/15
You'll need to tune your transmission to get the most out of your car. I'm getting 38.3's out of my setup but I'm also using a wheel.
I just bought an Enzo and tried it out. It seems that with a wheel the car will go pretty much anywhere you ask it to. I tried the default set up, as well as a maxed spring rate/ride height test. Both were capable of 37.7, but the only real gains I noticed were from the gearing. Unfortunately mine wasn't broken in, so I gave it to Bob, and he's running it now. 6's or 5's should be easily obtainable. For an online room, I suggest you use the 5 speed mentioned previously. I'd have to do the math, but I think 5th gear needs to be right around the 1.200 range, which with the final at 2.500 gives you the 3.000 to run solo laps in 5th. Then 6th gear is specifically for drafting. I'd have to do some trial and error, to get the right Pre-Final gear, but once Bob is done, I'll play around with it.
It's hard to explain without my Enzo in front of me.
Essentially find out what 6th gear ratio is the best for you to run solo laps.
Take that number (lets use .870 as an example)
and multiply it by your final drive ( let's say 3.000)
.870 * 3.000 = 2.61
So now, knowing you want your final drive at 2.500 you can reverse calculate with division.
2.610 / 2.5 = 1.044
You now know you want your 5th gear, at a hypothetical 1.044.
You now want to find the correct setting, that allows your 5th gear's, lowest(left) setting, to be 1.044.
To do this, you do the following:
1: Reset to default
2: Check 5th gear range.
3: If the number is too low, drop the top speed auto set, lower
4: Recheck, and do this until you find the top speed auto set, that gives you the correct 5th gear.
That will get you close.
You then set 5th gear to the proper number, and 6th gear all the way to the right, so that when you draft you shift into 6th, without redlining.
To super fine to the ranges, you reset to default, adjust the final by 0.025, THEN set the top speed auto setting, to the number you used above. It's a lot of trial and error, but the result is the same. I'll try to do it for you later tonight and give you the full setup for the exact setup needed. I'll need a drafting partner to ensure 6th is correct though.
Ok, here you go:
1: Reset to Default
2: Final - 3.945
3: Top Speed - 180mph
4: Final - 2.500
5: 1st through 5th, individual gears, all the way to the left
6: 6th gear, all the way to the right
Should look like this:
1 - 3.692
2 - 2.536
3 - 1.894
4 - 1.484
5 - 1.219
6 - 1.179
Final - 2.500
Top Speed 180mph
Top Speed @ Graph 270mph
With manual transmission, this allows you to reach 245mph on a solo lap in 5th gear.
In the the draft, you shift up to 6th and you can draft to 260+ mph.
I just ran about 10-15 online races with the Enzo testing the car in the draft.
Should be just about perfect.
Ok, ok, I am going to have to congratulate you. What car would you like from me, as a reward? Name it and I will get it for you, on my first lap after warm-up, I ran a 37.664, fastest I have ever ran on Daytona.Ok, here you go:
1: Reset to Default
2: Final - 3.945
3: Top Speed - 180mph
4: Final - 2.500
5: 1st through 5th, individual gears, all the way to the left
6: 6th gear, all the way to the right
Should look like this:
1 - 3.692
2 - 2.536
3 - 1.894
4 - 1.484
5 - 1.219
6 - 1.179
Final - 2.500
Top Speed 180mph
Top Speed @ Graph 270mph
With manual transmission, this allows you to reach 245mph on a solo lap in 5th gear.
In the the draft, you shift up to 6th and you can draft to 260+ mph.
I just ran about 10-15 online races with the Enzo testing the car in the draft.
Should be just about perfect.