Need For Speed [Bring In The Wangan]

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Due to Need For Speed's open world and HIGHLY detailed customization in their livery editor I wanted to sorta bring Shutokou Battle into the equation here.


In the community we race in, we will do things how it would be done in the Shutokou Battle Series. (Aside from the high beam flashing of course) A person will be able to challenge any racer, (Bot or Real) to a Sprint race, Drift, or Outrun race.

I have a community for it on PS4, It's called "Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero"

So far I only have 3 members :( and I'm having trouble growing my community.

So far I have re-created the following cars from the older games.

Dreamy Ghost

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Iron Heart
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Red Devil

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NOB NoOneBetter
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Hard Weapon

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You can change your car/B.A.D Name at anytime.

I haven't really figured out an efficient system to how I can balance everything out, but then again, It might be because my community is so small. So for right now we'll just stick to racing normally with Shutokou Battle cars until we build up the community. Thanks Guys :)

So far my personal B.A.D Name and car is Black Wind
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Love to get in on this. Been looking for people to play with.

Me too!

It's hard to weed out the people who just want to fully tune their 1,300 HP Lamborghini and ram into you apart from the people who want to do some clean styled racing.

@lxmmy I sent you an invite to the community. Just send me a message when your online and we can start racing, doing car meets and whatnot.

EDIT: well tomorrow, send me a message lol I'll be busy until about 5:30 P.M. EST
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Play this song while you're reading this section


bio: Once one

Car: Porsche 911 Carrera S (993)

HP: ???



Car: Porsche 911 Carrera S



bio: A fierce competitor who prowls the streets in his heavily tuned Silvia looking for newcomers and rookie drivers who have not yet gotten acustomed to the environment. He will only come out if your driver level is below 40.

Car: Nissan Silvia Spec-R

HP: 685


Was a decently fast professional racer back in the mid 90's to the early 2000's. After his racing team. "TRIVION MOTORSPORTS" fell apart due to financial issues, he never got to race on a closed circuit again. A friend he met in Fuji introduced him to wangan racing early on in the years, now that he has more free time, he is constantly doing time trials against evenly matched cars.

Car: Corvette C6 Z06

HP: 850

Circuit Master

bio: Was one of Callway's teammates back when they raced professionally. He always believed he was the fastest one on the team although he never made his feelings about it known or public. He drives the same car that the Trivion Motorsports team raced back in 1996. Don't be fooled though, although the car has some age on it, it can move just as fast as it did 20 years ago. He claims he won't bother challenging anybody who doesn't know his former teammate.

Car: Ferrari F40

HP: 720

*NEW Sleepless Owl

bio: Not much is known about him except that he prowls the streets almost all night. He got his name, "The Owl" due to the fact that he sleeps and relaxes during the day and hunts for challenges at night. He likes a challenge and will not race anyone unless they have a powerful looking car.

Car: Honda S2000

HP: ???

*NEW Green Rift

bio: Although his car and name have a pretty menacing vibe, Katou is far from it. He's a humble guy who's very persistent. He has worked his way from the bottom up in everything he does. From his job to the car he drives. He wants to be able to challenge the Black Samurai's one day but doesn't feel he is ready yet. He's up to challenge anybody who seems to be after the same ambition he has.

Car: Ford Mustang Foxbody

HP: ???

*NEW 陽気な 精神 Cheerful Spirit

bio: He's a young humbled man. Only 22 years of age who has aspirations of being a professional racecar driver soon. He's already logged in over 500+ hours of legal racing experience so far. He's been racing in karts, Formula 4, etc since he was a kid. So this guy knows his way around the wheel. He only challenges guys who have true speed.
Rumor has it that The Zodiacs and Devils wanted him to join them,but he turned it down due to the fact he doesn't want wangan racing to affect his professional career.

Car: Lotus Exige S

HP: ???

Devils and Zodiacs - To this day, the 13 Devils and Zodiacs still hold some of the most feared drivers from all around this part. They fell apart and regrouped a couple of times. After their defeat 9 years ago, they vowed to never assemble again. Now, they assembled all of the Zodiacs and 13 Devils they could find. Rumor has it that White Charisma, Golden Wind, and Dark Producer still race but do not associate themselves with this new group of 13 devils and Zodiacs.

Betrayal Jack Knife




Dejected Angel




Hard Weapon

bio: Nobody had seem him in over 15 years. after his defeat, he went into hiding. Some believe he worked as security at some bar just outside Yokohoma. He sold his Chaser to buy a new car to revive his comeback to the wangan. This time, his car is much more powerful. Some people claim they've seen him reach a top speed of 370 km/h in his new car.

Car: Toyota GT86

HP: 753

Blood Hound




Iron Heart Protege

bio: Drives the same exact Supra his uncle drove when he ran the streets of Tokyo with the 13 Devils. Some people forget that he is just the nephew of the famed driver as he drives exactly how his uncle drove. Very quick and aggressive.

Car: Toyota Supra

HP: 811


bio: Some wonder why he still races. He says, "It builds character and moral" Was one of the original 13 devils over 15 years ago. He vowed to race and beat the racer that defeated him 15 years ago someday.

Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec R34

HP: 821

Dreamy Ghost

bio: 15 years ago, he roamed and ruled the wangan with the 13 devils. After his embarrassing defeat, he went M.I.A until people called seeing his likeness racing in the mountains. Now he's back on the highway with a meaner and faster Honda than ever before.

Car: Honda NSX Type-R

HP: 650


bio: After constantly losing his throne to newcomers and random drivers, some people began to question his true speed and skill. He answered all the questions when he defeated the legendary "Unknown Driver" that shook the wangan 13 years ago in a one on one battle in Nagoya. He races very casually now as he's grown older in age; however, his Skyline is still a monster to be reckoned with.

Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec R34

HP: ???

Black Shiva

bio: rumor has it that she was once part of the legendary "Black Samurai's" Team. The leader later debunked the theory and said she was never part of the team, while Mist claims she was until she turned down the leader's gesture to go out with him. Nevertheless, she's dangerously fast and was able to keep up with the likes of the 3 Samurai's. She roams the streets but rarely battles. She says she'll only battle when somebody can match up to her former mentors.


HP: ???

Devil Z

bio: Some thought he'd never return after the way he was defeated 9 years ago. Nevertheless, he has returned with a new and improved car. While it exactly resembles his old 240Z, it is much faster and much more agile. He vows that he will not be defeated again.

Car: Nissan Fairlady 240ZG

HP: 800

BLACK SAMURAI'S - The most feared team in this part of the city. They arose to fame over the years after Snake Eyes and Devil Z were defeated by an unknown racer from the other side of Japan. Black Mist was the first to challenge and defeat this alleged unknown driver. The team was started by (Name withheld) 10 years ago and ever since then, they have dominated the city and the highway. Some say they went as far to winning in the mountains as well.

Black Mist

bio: Was born in the western part of Africa but moved to the states by the time he was 14 years of age. At the states he watched a lot of wangan and touge racing and said he would move to Japan to get closer to the action. Now, he's one of the three most feared drivers around. Some say Jintei himself turned down a challenge from him a few years back but Jintei claims to have never been challenged by him.

Car: Dodge Viper SRT

HP: 838

The Black Knight

bio: Was once head of Nagoya's most feared team until a driver came and dismantled them. He went into hiding after his grisly defeat until recently when the Black Samurai leader talked him into racing again. Although it is confirmed that he has the black Samurai logo on his car, no one around these parts claims to have seen him. Rumor has it he still roams with the same Supra he drove 13 years ago.

Car: Toyota Supra

HP: 833

Black Wind

bio: He is the legendary racer who shook up Tokyo 15 years ago after defeating Speed King, White Charisma and Devil Z. After he defeated everyone, he roamed the streets for 2 years as the new Speed King until he suddenly vanished, he says it was due to personal life reasons. Accounts say Devil Z and White Charisma requested countless rematches against him but he declined them repeatedly. Rumor also has it that he still has the car that he beat the original 13 Devils and Zodiacs with but he claims to have sold it years ago.

Car: Lamborghini Diablo SV

HP: ???
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This brought back some memories! Really wish I was on PS4 now. I grew up playing the TXR games religiously. I actually played through and beat Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero, 3, Drift & Drift 2 and Import Tuner Challenge. I also played a little of Tokyo Xtreme Racer and TXR 2 on the Dreamcast so I certainly know where your going with your idea. I must say, seeing someone not only recreate some of the cars but also go as far recreating/updating the racer profiles is most refreshing. I might have to recreate some of the wanderer/boss cars myself now.
Video for the series. Sorry I haven't been on here that much.


This brought back some memories! Really wish I was on PS4 now. I grew up playing the TXR games religiously. I actually played through and beat Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero, 3, Drift & Drift 2 and Import Tuner Challenge. I also played a little of Tokyo Xtreme Racer and TXR 2 on the Dreamcast so I certainly know where your going with your idea. I must say, seeing someone not only recreate some of the cars but also go as far recreating/updating the racer profiles is most refreshing. I might have to recreate some of the wanderer/boss cars myself now.

Thanks man. I was a HUGE fan of the Shutokou Battle Series when I was little and to this day still love the creativity and replay value of the games. I wanted to keep it going somehow since we might not get a new game for PS4.

I'll be updating the list periodically. Right now I have to add a few more wanderers and more boss teams. LEGION 3 being one.

Soulful Alchemist
Black Ninja
Wounded Warrior

And some more wanderers

White Charisma
Last Horseman

I have some other drivers who are without a team at the moment but I'll come up with something.

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I made a few builds, hope I can join a session with you guys sometime... :D

Bloody Mary - TXR3 [Nu-generation]



ABFlug 930 Turbo - TXR0


The Mighty J - TXR3


Rolling Master - Import Tuner Challenge/ITC






Man these are beautiful!! You're right. I hope we do meet up soon for some sessions! hehe I want to race against some of these cars y'all have! :D
Hey I'm also into making TXR cars into the game, however..... im on XBOX, but here goes some of my projects.

13 Devils - Traitor / Betrayal Jackknife


13 Devils - Gloomy / Dejected Angel


12 Zodiacs - Red Devil


13 Devils Leader - Speed King (Jintei)

Beautiful work! I can't make head or tails of the livery editor in this game, it was all I could do to make a simple two-tone stripey Civic. How do you change between pre-existing layers?
Beautiful work! I can't make head or tails of the livery editor in this game, it was all I could do to make a simple two-tone stripey Civic. How do you change between pre-existing layers?
you can save the current "equipped" livery and select from different sets later, wait is your question about changing between the decals you were editing? then it would be the right stick of your controller, D pad is moving layer up or down