You know it's inevitable that Firedonkeys will make things easier without 🤬 it up 10x worse in another section. Less conversion kits + cheaper to slot, but take away the ability to farm Car Series. Well done. Also crates going to pot again. Geez they really want people to walk away from this game don't they?
If only they spend as much creativity on gameplay instead of trying to squeeze as much $$$ from players, this could be the best game in the world.
Full breakdown from reddit:
Gameplay changes
Everyone's storage will be upgraded to 275. Free of charge, if you've already done this yourself you'll get a refund for all the gold that you've spent. For someone who's fully upgraded their storage prior to this, you'll get back 1230G
Tuner trials
Tuner trials are open. You will also be given
one all access pass.
In a daily cycle, a different tuner trial series will be open, centric on a particular part. E.g. monday is engine, tuesday is turbo, wednesday is gearbox and so on. Sundays are cash and visual points (boo)
In the trial specific to that day, you have 5 race options. And 2 tickets to use. Each option has a specific reward, and those rewards are:
- Common conversion kit + common material
- Uncommon conversion kit + uncommon material
- Rare conversion kit + rare material
- Epic conversion kit + epic material
- Legendary material
All related to the part of the day. Being tuesday, all kits are turbo flavour and the materials were turbo related. The legendary material is of course the turbine.
Eg. (wednesday, gearbox stuff)
You need a viper to do any of today's races, and a for the turbine race the opponents were around 650PR The car you need depends on the race you choose.
For race 1 you need a fiesta, race 2 = m3, race 3 = supra, race 4 = 911 (991), race 5 = viper
You have two tickets, and I used both on the turbine race and walked away with 2 turbines. Yay...
Each race also required 3 fuel.
You also got given 1 free access pass. Which unlocks all 7 days for an hour. Each 'day' has 2 tickets, so you can conceivably farm 12 legendary materials right away, though watch the fuel as you need 3 per race. This sounds wonderful in theory, however if you want another access pass it'll cost 250 gold. Or if you're a VIP5 you'll get another one for free in 2 weeks.
This all sounds dandy, who doesn't love gold materials... so far so good.....
Slotting kits have become far cheaper
Gone are the 20-25 conversion kits required plus the eye watering cash requirement. These have been slashed by over 75%
Otoh, the number associated material required has gone up, slotting that material and the rebuild cost hasn't changed.
For example. Before the update to upgrade the M4's engine to legendary from epic, you needed : 3 pistons, 25 epic engine kits. It'd cost 570k to slot those engine kits. Now you need 10 pistons, and 4 epic engine kits, and it's only 100k to slot the kits.
Series races are no longer replayable
One hand giveth the other hand backslaps you for thinking that EA & firemonkeys would give you something for nothing.
As per title, no more replaying series races. So while it's great that the cash requirement and number of kit requirement has dropped, it's now impossible to farm the kits.
The only sources are: crates (with 24 different kits available, GL with that) and tuner trials.
Tuner trials are now the only source for conversion kits
So for someone like myself who needs 4 epic engine kits, I will have to wait till monday and use both tickets on the epic engine kit option (skipping the crankshaft option) and do this for 2 consecutive mondays.
What's that? in 2 mondays the m4 event will be over and i'll be too late... woops..
At least they give an access pass to help with that. did i mention they cost 250g each?
New cars and whatnot
Apparently the shelby is now available, i've yet to see a source. You can buy 69 charger bp's from the TS too. I've yet to refresh my TS so i don't know much about this yet.
Now that EA's stripped out a lot of the gameplay, what to fill in the time? You can now watch ads! ~30 second ad gives you 1 gold. Which may or may not be good value depending on your data charges, those video ads do chew a lot of data.
The banner sits on the map screen, and is part of the frame overlaying everything. Seems like you can watch 5 ads a day.
Bonus IAP
Any IAP get a 50% bonus for the first purchase they make after this update (doesn't apply to gold cards)
Considering the rest of new features, it's pretty cheeky of them to come hat in hand expecting anything less than a roundhouse kick to the face. They'd be lucky if it doesn't inspire a record number of people to ask for refunds.
Blackmarket offers slightly more reasonable pricing on things
Thanks to made-up-fact for pointing this out. For the first time ever, the blackmarket items may be a wortwhile buy.
Viva-la-italia is gone
Probably temporary to fix that silly 948PR requirement on the last race. I'd expect it back sometime soon, or maybe just after the LF event finishes. I believe the LF should be a usable car for that series after that.
Bugs & fixes (so far)
no more free fuel ups every 3h20m
Unsure if this was ever a legitimate feature, but in any case it appears to be gone. And instead of getting a fuel up, your tank will stall and you won't get any tickets until you pay 30G. WTF??
see this thread:
Edit : i've had 3 'new content, click ok to update' prompts now. Hopefully at least 1 of them has fixed this issue. I'll need to wait a few hours to find out.
Edit : nope, still broken.
I believe the interim solution is to let your fuel tank get filled at least once every 3h20m, i.e. the reverse of before, having to have a non full tank for that duration. This should reset the counter that counts till the point when your tank will stall
The game still crashes randomly sometimes. So no help there.
Mustang event delayed 1 day
It will now start 1 day later than originally scheduled
Mustang event only gives 20 LF BP's now.
The splash screen now says 20 BP's instead of the 25 it said yesterday.
BP races no longer give guaranteed street parts
More of a bug fix than a bug, but gees it'd be nice of them to focus on the more pertinent ones like, i don't know incessant crashing.
As above, redoing a race for say a fiesta that you've finished no longer guarantees a street part. This was a useful feature for cash farming, but now you can also earn materials (sometimes a good thing) or visual points (never a good thing)
Premium ALL crates turning back to **** again
To celebrate the 1230g i got refunded, i bought 2 premium crates. First one was uncommon street wheel, 2nd one was rare street ecu. Wtf... it's been a long time since i've gotten this sorta rubbish from a premium crate, usually I would get rare hyper parts, which were arguably less useless. But this is just a kick in the teeth
Also thought to try regular crates. Bought four eight of them.
All those epic materials that I use to get en masse, you know, all those drive shafts, calipers and pistons that I would have to sell to clear inventory space? Not one. It's no coincidence that they up the requirements to 10-12 from 3, and then nerf the crates so that i can't get them from there anymore.
Not one single conversion kit of any flavour was found in 8 rounds of cash crates. Seeing a pattern here?
Edit : Can confirm that loading docks no longer give kits.
So what comes from crates? lots of common, uncommon materials, some rare and a LOT of street parts... because you know a 3k return on a 4k investment is great economy
rolls eyes.
Edit : out of boredom i bought my 3rd premium crate of the day to see if it's really terrible.
I really wish i were lying. This is 3 street parts from 3 crates purchased now.
Hoses are worth 98 cash now
Not that you'd really want to sell many, but now they only fetch 98 cash if you sell it. Bearings have always been like this and so they sell for 98 cash also. Other rare materials sell for 1050 cash.
Some visual bugs have been fixed
Nominally, the 4 exhaust bug and the aventadorspoiler bug have been fixed.
Some visual bugs have been created
Police in some races have extremely bright flashing lights now, visible through walls and whatnot.
I haven't updated, so what do i do?
Probably the reason i made this thread.
There's no telling when this update will be forced on you, right now it has to be kicked off from the app store, but it's only a matter of time until you are forced to update.
This is doubly important for those that are trying to get their M4 ready for m4 week.
Farm as many kits as you require asap.
For every rare and epic part that you plan to upgrade in the near future. Farm 4x of those conversion kits.
If you're at that stage, slot the accompanying material (but not the kit) in the above example with the engine, slot those 3 pistons now as you'll need 10 after the update.
All races will refresh after the update
If you're grinding bp's for say the m4, have those races done before you update. After the update it'll be refreshed and you'll have 3 more bites at the cherry.
Buy any premium crates you needed
Premium crates were sometimes useful for getting good numbers of blueprints (can't say no to 5 CCX prints) or some parts, but as documented above it's all gone to ****. So if you were going to spend gold on crates do it before the update. Post update don't bother with premium
any crates anymore.
Upgrade your storage if you need
If you don't already have maxed storage, but are struggling to store all those millions of conversion kits you're now hoarding. Feel free to upgrade your store to 275 space. After you update, you'll get a full refund on the gold spend anyway.