Need GT300 car

United States
PSN#2 Roob_OG
I need a low mileage GT300 car.

i'm looking for the Wedsport Celica, and the Toyota MR-S

i have a bunch of random cars i can trade, i'm low on gear and tickets since i mostly race online, but i do buy things up in the UCD.

let me know guys
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Add GTP_JK83 I send wedsport now 👍

Edit: Car sent 👍
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and it has no miles! thanks a lot man.

anyone have a low mileage Toyota SUPERAUTOBACS APEX MR-S (JGTC)?
well had my mr s car and nothing in return as said and also wanted the celica too, whats going on here then have all these cars ?
i previously messaged you saying that your name has yet to show up in the "give to friend" list. i'm sure this is quite common since it happens to me often. so you must know what i am talking about. Secondly, i asked for the Toyota SUPERAUTOBACS APEX MR-S (JGTC)

YOU sent me the street car, that obviously isn't a GT300 car. so as soon as i figure out how to get your name to show up, i will send you the car back.
No all u asked for was toyota mr s and not say other one wanted, and should put in post properly as many variants of cars as well !!!

And i have an autobacs mr s '00 as well in orangey colour and 0/0/0 and available !!!
No all u asked for was toyota mr s and not say other one wanted, and should put in post properly as many variants of cars as well !!!

And i have an autobacs mr s '00 as well in orangey colour and 0/0/0 and available !!!

I think it's a little clear when they say "I need a GT300 car" that they mean the GT300 version of the car.

Seems like common sense to me, but common sense isn't so common anymore..
I need a low mileage GT300 car.

i'm looking for the Wedsport Celica, and the Toyota MR-S

i have a bunch of random cars i can trade, i'm low on gear and tickets since i mostly race online, but i do buy things up in the UCD.

let me know guys

He asked for these cars and no sign say super autobacs there !! :grumpy:
He did ask for the AUTOBACS: anyone have a low mileage Toyota SUPERAUTOBACS APEX MR-S (JGTC)?
He did ask for the MR-S: i'm looking for the Wedsport Celica, and the Toyota MR-S
Seems like its fixable if tommo21 just FR hims so he can get his car back or if rosckolove finish trade with whatever tommo wants, but I suggest you guys come to an agreement, as I am sure gtplanet mods take trades arranged on this sight seriously.
Just to make everyone aware that may have been reading this, his name finally showed up on the list and i sent him the car back.
Just to make everyone aware that may have been reading this, his name finally showed up on the list and i sent him the car back.

Accepting an FR while running GT5 will not show the new user.

Two options to solve this....

Disconnect from the playstation network, get GT5 back to the screen where you can choose A-spec/Arcade/etc. Accept when GT5 offers to reconnect to the network and continue with GT5 A-spec.

Second option, restart GT5.

Friends list within GT5 only gets updated on a new connection.
PM replied, glitch suits will come when you sent the FR.

Cheers :cheers:

Just wondering, and i'm going off a rumor i heard long ago.

When i equip my driver with these glitch/invisible items, will the picture of your driver that pops up on the bottom right of the screen after winning an online race, be invisible?

I don't think it will, since i looked up a video of someone selecting it in the menu part, and it showed up. But i have to wonder
I never used them myself, but in your inventory they are invisible.
And I think using them online, your driver matches the car color scheme ...