NEED HELP!!!!................Can't load codes


I read what you guys posted online.BUT
When I got the codes for my GS V1.9,and loaded them up when I took the GS disc out to put the game's disc in like I used to do with GT3................The game kept telling me that I have no memory card in and it wouldn't let me get into the Gran Turismo mode!!!!!!
Would someone PLEASE tell me what i'm doing wrong
What did I miss????
I have made a lot of hybirds in GT3 with no problems,and i feel dumbfounded not to be able to simply load the code for GT4 up
to 2o and Da Viper,
Guys I thank you for your input,but when using GS,there is a GS card that you put into slut 1 to load up the cheats,and you put your own memory card in slot two.But for some reason,when the game is turned on it only loads up from slot one and not 2 :nervous:
In GT3 you had the choice to load up from slot 1 or 2.For some reason I don't have that choice in GT4.
If you have any idea ,plaese share them with me.I really need your help
It must be compatable in slot two, because how can you do the trade car thing on your home menu when it wont work in the second slot?
You have probably got a faulty disc or a faulty memory slot or PS2
Dear god.

Look GT4's autoload only works in slot 1. So put the gameshark card in slot 2 before you load up the shark. The shark card works in either slot on version 2 so just try it.

There is nothing wrong with your disc, that's just the way they coded the game.