Need help :d

United States
hi guys new here and i was just wondering if someone has supras or buick gnx ive been trying to farm these cars but so far nothing. any help?
I have a gnx stock and a supra. I can give u the gnx for free but the supra I can't I like it to much to give it for nothing
Nothing. Just send a fr to tommygoodwood and I will give it to you tonight or tomorrow for free. Just leave a message saying u want it on my psn
Send me a Fr and I'll send over a stock untouched supra free of charge of course 👍 Just remember to put "supra" somewhere in the message details in case I forget :)
Just for future reference, make the title "Looking for Buick GNX and Toyota Supra's" Mods will be less suspicious and more people would looks. You're not in a movie, don't try to be persuasive, some right out and post what you want. And...seeing as you're new here...
