Need help please! Liveries not showing up in my file to share.

United States
San Diego California
I'm on PS5. I'm having issues with my liveries not saving into my file or folder so I can share them. I've tried deleting my network temporary files and that didn't work. I've created dozens of liveries but it only shows the 1st and 2 I created on March 3rd. I can't seem to be able to find any other support except for tweeting about it but haven't heard anything from them. I thank you all for your input.
From what I’ve read it’s a know bug and the workaround is to not attempt to edit them before emptying your cache. Unfortunately that was too late for me and I lost a couple of liveries.
But emptied my cache and then tried creating a new one and it still didn't work. The message from Gran Turismo said you'd need to delete the cache if you had less than 300mb but I had 730. After clearing it I now have 920. So idk
It’s a pain! The worst part is that it happened exactly with the livery I was using and had created in GT7. The ones I’ve imported from GT Sport that I don’t use are all fine.