need help with art video project

Hi guys,

I was wondering if you guys could give me a little bit of help. I'm looking to create a video for my art project and I'm planning to film the Autosport Show in Birmingham for the project. The trouble is, I need some ideas on what I can do with camera angles and filming so I can make it interesting and have a purpose.

Any ideas would be very welcome. :)
Don't film standing up. Go low. Bring a tripod too.

Also, make a Blair Witch knock off set in the Autosport show. And boobs. Boobs = A+.
i'm sure it'd be a bit inappriopiate for a "project" to include boobs, lol

Camera Angles: a nice one is when they zip by really close to you and then you have to swing the camera the other direction to continue recording, it gives great impression of speed..