Need Help with Viper Concept Car!!!

  • Thread starter Acidman
I just got the Viper GTS-R Concept car by winning the gran turismo all star series in the pro mode and i was sooo happy:) . But after i bought everything i could for it and souped it up and everything i took it out on a course for a race and found that it dosen't brake nor turn worth a ****!!!! i was sooo pissed off....Does anyone know what settings to teak on the car or anything like that so that it is useable?:(
Originally posted by Acidman
I just got the Viper GTS-R Concept car by winning the gran turismo all star series in the pro mode and i was sooo happy:) . But after i bought everything i could for it and souped it up and everything i took it out on a course for a race and found that it dosen't brake nor turn worth a ****!!!! i was sooo pissed off....Does anyone know what settings to teak on the car or anything like that so that it is useable?:(
1) I don't recommend "slamming" cars... that is, putting all of the mods on the second that you get it. You should gradually work your way up... first, put on some light suspension mods, tinker with that, then some "Lightweight" changes, then horsepower...

On another note, the Viper Concept handles fantasticly in stock form. ;)

2) GTVault is a great place to find settings (but, then again, there's a certain personal reward to developing your own settings... Try it someday! :)). Anyway, here are a bunch of settings for the Viper Concept.
well said...

btw, did you upgrade the brakes when you did everything else... the brakes u have are ment to deal with the stock HP not the 1000 or whatever you have given it :)
Thanks alot you guys....I just took out the stage 3 na tune up and put in a stage 2 na tune up and it is fine......i just wish there was a way to contorl all of that satge 3 na tune up power:(
it's not that hard to control, even without removing power or working the suspension. just put really sticky tires on it and brake early.
Hey Youth_Cycler thanks a lot i found a good tune for it and then tweaked it a little myself and now it's probalbaly my favorite car!
Yes, once you tune it, it can be controlled at 100 bhp, but in stock (non-tuned) at 1000bhp it is quite the still is, just a bit easier to control after changing the settings.
yeah.......i thought it was going to be one of the more better cars in the game but when you get to the pro league the winning kinda slows down.....but i also just got the Toyata Gt-one race car which makes me happy becasue it is pretty sweet!!
Originally posted by Acidman
Hey Youth_Cycler thanks a lot i found a good tune for it and then tweaked it a little myself and now it's probalbaly my favorite car!
You're welcome. :)
Originally posted by Acidman
Well it didn't let me buy the sports brakes it problably needs and that just pissed me off!
Brake balancer:
Set your front brakes to 16, Rear Brakes to 12.
pay attention to the durn brake markers. Start to brake at the 100 meter mark and work your way closer to the corner with your braking until you find the perfetct place to brake.
I set my brakes on every car with:
20, 19

Because i'm a late braker...
Man, people here at GtPlanet are sooo nice and helpful.....I just want to thank everyone for all their help and have a Merry Christmas!!!;)
I didnt have a probvlem with the sttings. I tuned it up with all parts and kept default settings, turns and breaks perfectly for me.

Frustrated Palm Tree 🤬
Originally posted by halfracedrift
eh? y 20/19 dodge? i go 24/13
Tip: Don't think that jacking up the brake force will automatically make the car stop faster (although it is often the case)... you have to be conservative, and, just like anything else, gradually move it up until you reach a nice equilibrium (yeah, that's a biology term... :P).

If you set the brakeing force too strong, it might cause the tires to lock up, which could cause your brakeing distance to become longer! :eek:

When you lock your tires, you lose valuable traction, and thus not only do you do a little more sliding, but you're also more prone to losing control (I'm not saying that you will lose control, but the chances are much higher than if you have full traction going to the road).