Need help

Basically just keep doing the same thing, grinding the highest level races you can do over and over, eventually you will make it. There really is no short cut.
This is a GT game and the only thing that is fast is the cars.
You just have to grind it out and it takes time. Just keep in mind your not going to see another GT in some time so enjoy it and don't feel you have to rush.
Good luck.
I'm guessing level 10 is your highest B Spec driver, but if not, enter him in an extreme event in an FGT or something. I had a level 0 driver go to 11 by doing the PD Championship.
Yes ^! If you have access to higher level events you can enter Bob in them and even though he probably wont win he will hop, skip and jump up levels very quickly.
Haha sorry, but I need help too, Bob is in level 19 and he can't win the Gallardo event or the other event's like brittish lightwight cup etc... How do you do?
Haha sorry, but I need help too, Bob is in level 19 and he can't win the Gallardo event or the other event's like brittish lightwight cup etc... How do you do?

Maximum tires are important on every event, but especially the Gallardo one. I forgot what the best tires allowed are, but make sure he uses those. My Gallardo had a lot of power going in but was on stock tires and he couldnt win, upgraded those and he won by like 25 seconds. I used an RM'd Lotus Elise for the Lightweight Cup, that was a cakewalk.