Need Point and Shoot Recommendations

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Right now I'm shooting a Canon SD1100IS for my point and shoot camera. The thing has lived a long, hard life over it's two years of use and it feels like it's on it's way out. The auto focus is having a difficult time actually focusing on things, the flash works half of the time, and it just feels like it has had enough.

I don't know how many thousands of pictures I've taken with it, but I know on a given week at work I can take upwards of a 3,000 pictures, sometimes more. There was one week where the camera did 5,000 pictures (huge estate of over 1,000 items).

I'm not sure how long cameras are designed to last but I think I've got my money's worth out of this one.

Anyway I want to buy a new point and shoot and I want it to be under $350.

So far I've thought about maybe waiting till the new Canon's come out at the end of the month, but if I see a good deal on an older model I'd probably pull the trigger on that.

Something like the Canon PowerShot SX210 IS is pretty appealing to me as I know I could slip it in my pocket and I'm guessing it takes pretty awesome pictures. I also like the 14x's optical zoom since that digital zoom crap is awful. There is also the older version of the SX210, the PowerShot SX200 IS, which can be had now for about $280 and does about the same amount of stuff as the SX210 would do.

I wouldn't be opposed to an ultra compact either. I know Canon has some nice cameras in the work. The PowerShot SD3500 IS could be good with a 5x optical, although it's touch screen and I'm not sure how I feel about that. If it's the conductive touch screen like the iPhone is I'd be ok with it but if it's the pressure one I don't want it. There is also the PowerShot SD1400 IS which looks promising and doesn't have a touch screen.

We have the 1200IS at work and I don't really like it all that much. It feels cheap or something.

I'm not opposed to going away from Canon either, I just don't know much about other cameras. I've had really good luck with Canon stuff which is why I turn to them. I will not look at a Sony since my Sony Cybershot LettersNumbers broke way to prematurely and I hate Sony's customer support with a passion.
Have you thought about a micro four thirds camera?

The Panasonic GF1 is meant to be pretty good but not sure what price it is in the states (

Most of the benefits of a DSLR in a package smaller than a super zoom.

If it is out of your price range I'd still have a look a Pansonic Lumix camera's. I've got a Canon A710is which I'm more than happy with but I bought my mum a Panasonic FS7 for £100 and it's very good
A micro four thirds camera might be overkill. I do have a dSLR (Canon 500D) so I can rock good pictures with that when I'm using it. It's just a PITA to take out if I'm going to be hanging with some friend at a bar or something. Plus I do car spotting and I can fire the 500D blindly very well or very safely.

I'll check out Panasonic's stuff though, I've never really had a bad product of theirs.
Canon IXUS are usually a safe bet on price/performance. Pretty much any Canon P&S will be a good buy, a PowerShot S90 would be my recommendation if it fits your budget (I have no idea what they're selling for over on your side of the pond).
By the way I’ve just looked up the Panasonic TZ10 and noticed it’s called the ZS7 over there. It’s not due for release here until next week so it may not be out in the states yet either.

Let us know what you go for and what it’s like.

My folks run with a Panasonic Lumix of some random letter/number variety.

It takes great shots, and has a wide angle lens, which is suprisingly important on a point and shoot.
Thanks for the suggestions, I still need to get over to a camera store and play around with them. I like the ZS7, the travel GPS feature is really cool.