Need some help identifying parts for a gaming cockpit

  • Thread starter jizzmirk
Someone asked for this in another GT community and it got the gears turning. I'm thinking that since it's basic metal tubing and relatively simple connectors, it shouldn't be too expensive to make. I need some help identifying some of the parts in the pics.



I went to my local hardware store (Home Depot) and could not find anything that resembled the connectors here. Since I could not find anything within the fencing section or the plumbing section, I'm starting to think these are scaffolding or industrial lighting hardware parts.

I actually took me a while, but I finally saw that there is a Logicool Sparco Racing Cockpit Pro Fighter Model within the metal framing.

The TV is a 24in Sony model only available in Japan (the closest thing I could find was KV-24DA1).

Does anyone know exactly what the connectors are used for or called? For that matter, if you know what they are, where can I get some?
I want that game cockpit!!
Too bad i'd never be able to afford it. :(

I can't help you though sorry.
Don't be too sure. I thought I'd start off with estimates of the thing and came up with (on the high end mind you):

Connectors/Joints: 29 @ $2 ea. = $58
Piping: 52 ft @ $1 /ft. = $52

Then all you'd have to worry about is the Driving Force Pro, mounting it and the TV. I'd say tack on another 20 to 30 bucks for incidentals, and you're golden for less than the price of a DFP. But that's if my estimates are good.

Doesn't seem so bad. I'd do it, just for something to do (like when I built a metal DDR pad for fun).
Bah! Completely discard my estimates above - I was talking out the gas end. :)

I finally found out what that thing is made of. The materials are made for handrailing by a company called Hollaender. But I have yet to find a retailer and pricing for the matte black aluminum rail.

Imagine my surprise when the components are not about US$2 each but closer to US$10 each! I had a really hard time finding a reseller that would actually list their prices online, but came across an industrial supply store online (that I can't remember right now). The 90 degree elbows are the cheapest at US$10 and the side cross outs (5 connections) goes up to US$17!

All in all, there are actually 30 connectors and I totaled them out to be about US$375!!! :eek: And that's not counting the piping. IGN posted the price of the Logicool Sparco Fighter Cockpit to be around US$850 as well. :eek::eek: Add the TV at about US$500, the PS2 at US$180 and we're topping off at around the US$2000 mark. And there are at least 4 in that room above! :eek::eek::eek:

I guess I'm dropping that project and probably going to buy an Ash Gamepod or build something closer to the Hanaho GTO that Logitech and Capcom have both shown at past E3s.
Yeah, I've done pretty much all the research that I want to at this point. But I still try to keep up with anything new just in case a design pops up that strikes my fancy.

I have seen the Racebase cockpits as well as the Sim Chassis from Blackhole Motorsports. But the only company that makes the setup that I want is Hanaho. They're going to release it in conjunction with GT4's US release.



The big problem here is that I fear they're going to charge $3000 - $5000 for it (if you look at their other arcade cabinet products, they are at about that price range). I really like this because I used to be a big arcade freak in the late 80s/early 90s and it looks almost exactly like most of the driving/racing setups. Then there's Sparky's Driving Simulator, the Sparcade II.

I'm working on a MAME cabinet with my best friend and one we finish that, I'm going to get started on my driving cockpit in some way, shape or form.

By the way, do you use your Racebase for playing other non-racing games? If you do, how's it working out for you?
Kool Seats! 👍
:D Here's a foto of MY unfinished version. "New" steel tubing; "Junkyard" Seat; "Second Hand" MOMO; Surround Sound system w/broken CD Player I was gonna sell at a Garage Sale for $5.00; Total cash outlay...LESS than $100.00 US. TV/PS2 stand removes in 1 minute for use w/Bigscreen TV (Oh Yeh, seat slides fore & aft & tilts as well!)...UB57


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I only use my Racebase for PS2 racing games as I only have a wheel for PS2. I guess I could use it for my PC as well but I haven't yet. I've only had the Racebase for 2 months. How would I use it for non driving/racing games?
Originally posted by jizzmirk

That's a pretty cool setup. Did you plan the cockpit and weld the box frame yourself?
Thanx jizzmirk:👍
:D Yep, designed, cut & TIG Welded in my shop. Will look lots better w/Finish Paint & all the wires tucked away.

@ 8400RPM:
:D Sitting in a Super Comfy Seat out of a late model Maxima is ideal for ANY PS2 Game IMO!...UB57
Here is mine it's pretty comfortable and in the right driving position. Pretty cheap to build. a couple sheets of MDF and some bolts,screws,and all thread. Sorry about the large pic. I didn't think it was that large.


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You know, UB57, I'm going to have to get new seats for my Mustang as they're 10 years old and there's a lot of cracking going on. Maybe I'll use them with my cockpit plan. :)

Kwik: There looks to be A TON of adjustability in your setup. Is the plan yours?
Sorry 8400, I didn't see your last question to me. Well, you could use your Racebase as a place to play your console games, not just the racing ones. Remove the wheel and you've got a comfortable (I'm assuming it's comfortable) place to play any game.

The thing about the GTO above is that it uses a real racing bucket seat with working recline and forward and back movement. I think that could get really comfortable and with the wheel out of the way, the setup should be good for any game - racing or otherwise.

Loud, I don't know what he's running in, but I believe the new RX-8 has got a near 10,000 red-line. Zoom-zoom indeed.
Actually it's down around 8,000. The previous S2000 ran all the way up to 9,000, but I believe the 2004 model has been backed down to 8,200, or possibly 8,400.
'97 Integra Type R. Actually, I run it up to 8600 RPM 'cause that's where fuel cut-off is. Red line is at 8400 though. New S2000 is 8200 and previously was actually 8900 but most people just say 9000. Has anyone noticed in Prologue that the new S2000 red lines above 9000, around 9200. Maybe Japan kept same engine and ran it a little higher? I like it.
That settles it then, I'm hiking down to one of the nearby Mazda dealers and trying out for myself.

"Um...the engine made loud bang followed by a lot of metal grinding. That's not bad, is it?" :)

Actually, during my local International Auto show, I was checking out an RX-8 and guy working the floor noticed my Gran Turismo 4 shirt and started talking shop with me. We talked quite a bit about the car and the game.

Long story short, he told me to come by and ask for him at the Mazda dealership that he works at and he'd take me out for a test drive with no sales pressure. Right before I left, he told me that he'd let me take it to 10,000. :D

True or not, it should be a spot of fun trying!
Originally posted by jizzmirk
The Racebase guys are in Australia, right? Did you order it from them or did you pick it up locally?
I'm NOT sure, but I Think you can order just the plans from Racebase.

:D GREAT Seat! Glad to see I'm not the only one who drives w/only Sox on! Just can't seem to feel the Pedals thru my shoes! :lol: :lol: :lol: ...UB57 :D
Oh yes, socks are a must with these pedals.

I ordered the kit for $65 US from Australia which includes full size plans, all the hardware, instructions (which are very good), and even decals! Just had to buy the wood and build it.

Yo Jizzmirk, since you are in San Diego, I have a seat from a Honda Accord that I was trying to use in a homemade cockpit that never quite worked out. It's a pretty decent seat I paid $50 at a junkyard for. If you need a seat for your project, you can have it.

:D GREAT Seat! Glad to see I'm not the only one who drives w/only Sox on! Just can't seem to feel the Pedals thru my shoes! :lol: :lol: :lol: ...UB57 :D

I use socks too, I haven't tried anything else.

8400RPM, that's an awesome seat you too UB57!:eek:
Originally posted by 8400RPM
Oh yes, socks are a must with these pedals.

I ordered the kit for $65 US from Australia which includes full size plans, all the hardware, instructions (which are very good), and even decals! Just had to buy the wood and build it.

Yo Jizzmirk, since you are in San Diego, I have a seat from a Honda Accord that I was trying to use in a homemade cockpit that never quite worked out. It's a pretty decent seat I paid $50 at a junkyard for. If you need a seat for your project, you can have it.

...So one sheet of MDF or plywood at $25 and a weekend is all it took, I suppose? That's pretty cool.

I just might take you up on that seat. I don't have any place to store it, but my best friend's got a ginormous house in Murrieta. If he says I can leave it there, I'll take you up on your offer. I appreciate the offer.
Originally posted by 8400RPM
Oh yes, socks are a must with these pedals.

I ordered the kit for $65 US from Australia which includes full size plans, all the hardware, instructions (which are very good), and even decals! Just had to buy the wood and build it.

Yo Jizzmirk, since you are in San Diego, I have a seat from a Honda Accord that I was trying to use in a homemade cockpit that never quite worked out. It's a pretty decent seat I paid $50 at a junkyard for. If you need a seat for your project, you can have it.
Can you hook me up with a website, or a phone number where I can get a hold of them. That looks exactly like what I am looking for. ;)
Originally posted by jizzmirk
You know, UB57, I'm going to have to get new seats for my Mustang as they're 10 years old and there's a lot of cracking going on. Maybe I'll use them with my cockpit plan. :)

Kwik: There looks to be A TON of adjustability in your setup. Is the plan yours?

A couple of other guys and I came up with the plans for the cockpit. Yes, as you noticed there are many adjustments to fit whom ever may want to drive one. We have built 8 of these and every one of them are exactly the same except for the graphics.