Need Some Inspiration Please

United States
Douglasville, GA
Hey Guys

Life has been busy for me and its taken me away from my much loved GT4 game, and i need your help now its calmed down a little.

Can you please post me some of your inspiring things in the GT4 game that keeps you coming back for more. Im only at 31% (i think) and i need some inspirational help to get me back in the mood to play.

Usually i used to take my favourite car to my favourite track and take pics in photomode, then spend hours trying to get it looking great via photoshop for a nice looking wallpaper, but that dont do it for me no more. So who else do i turn to but you guys to get me back on pun intended.:lol:


Hey Guys

Life has been busy for me and its taken me away from my much loved GT4 game, and i need your help now its calmed down a little.

Can you please post me some of your inspiring things in the GT4 game that keeps you coming back for more. Im only at 31% (i think) and i need some inspirational help to get me back in the mood to play.

Usually i used to take my favourite car to my favourite track and take pics in photomode, then spend hours trying to get it looking great via photoshop for a nice looking wallpaper, but that dont do it for me no more. So who else do i turn to but you guys to get me back on pun intended.:lol:


Start playing it, win some cool cars, and then you'll look forward to getting cool new cars.
You could always participate here in the Weekly Race Series or the Tuner Challenges. They seem to be very much like crack, in GT4 terms :sly:

Good idea CLS but Im just a Sunday driver where GT4 is concerned, and im probably no where near competitive for those guys.

(runs and hides in shame)


Good idea CLS but Im just a Sunday driver where GT4 is concerned, and im probably no where near competitive for those guys.

(runs and hides in shame)



They have 3 divisions based on skill of which you will be placed in one. 👍

Otherwise, if you're any good at tuning- enter some Tuner Challenges, tune your cars and see how good you can make them. I personally can't stand driving a car with parts bought and no tune applied anymore. I have to tune it to drive it. :scared:
Have you completed the Special condition races? I was in the same position as you when I start these races, and not only did it get me back into the game it was fun and challenging.
Have you completed the Special condition races? I was in the same position as you when I start these races, and not only did it get me back into the game it was fun and challenging.

No i have not completed the special condition races yet.

Ive done all the easy and some of the normal but none of the hard yet :guilty:

Some may laugh at this but i find them really challenging, and yes sometimes very fustrating, hence why i have so many of those left.

Im not the best at GT4, but i do/did enjoy it a heck of a lot, and once i get back into it i will be happily playing away until life again comes and gets in the way. Atleast im getting my moneys worth from it i guess.


Hey Anglo, it's nothing I'm going to laugh at you about man! It all comes with practice. Here's a little tip that worked well for me on the Special Conditions races, which is also pretty challenging for most people. First, for the dirt tracks, find your timing for your car at which you should brake. For me, it was maybe 1/2 or 1 second after the red down shift light starts blinking. Use your brakes (square button or back on stick) and/or down shift until you hit that gear that's blinking. Once you've gotten to the gear the game suggest, slam on your E-brake and turn your wheel the direction of the turn. This will shift the rear of your car towards the corner, and this is when you need a little bit of skill. Hit the gas while turning away from the corner and tap the gas and direction back and forth. Sometimes giving the gas and E-brake back and forth is your best way to keep control through the corners. Once you get your car facing the direction you should begin going straight, GAS IS to stop the drift ASAP! You'll catch on if you just stay with it. Try running the course a few laps in the Dirt and Snow practice tracks. Oh, and try to slow down and stay to the inside of the corners. And not all Rally cars are easy at all to control. My personal favorite is the Subaru Impreza WRX '04, Audi Pikes Peak Quattro '03, and the Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car '02. Im I'm sure everyone has their own way of doing these types of races, but this is what works best for me. They are definitely some of the most skillful races on the game!
try to "tune a car to perfection", preferably a FF.., 👍

you'll then realize that tuning can become addictive., :D
Stock car race comparison/challenge & the 16 endurance races. :D

Never having touched B-spec, and having raced most vehicles with a view to submission in the thread I've linked to, the patience required has proven inspiration enough to continue to play this game for almost 3 solid years!
It's not inspiration for everyone, but it has worked for me! 👍
Can you please post me some of your inspiring things in the GT4 game that keeps you coming back for more. Im only at 31% (i think) and i need some inspirational help to get me back in the mood to play.

• Do you have all the licences? If not, try to get them all. If you do have them all, try to get all 'silvers' or all 'golds' in the tests.

• If you've not already done them, try and complete all the driving missions in the Mission Hall.

You'll also find both these tasks are excellent ways of improving your driving skills, which will make competing in the harder race series more enjoyable.

They're not dauntingly long races either, so if you don't get much time to play the game, you can just have a quick shot at one of the tests or missions without it taking up too much of your time.
Hey Anglo, it's nothing I'm going to laugh at you about man! It all comes with practice. Here's a little tip that worked well for me on the Special Conditions races, which is also pretty challenging for most people. First, for the dirt tracks, find your timing for your car at which you should brake. For me, it was maybe 1/2 or 1 second after the red down shift light starts blinking. Use your brakes (square button or back on stick) and/or down shift until you hit that gear that's blinking. Once you've gotten to the gear the game suggest, slam on your E-brake and turn your wheel the direction of the turn. This will shift the rear of your car towards the corner, and this is when you need a little bit of skill. Hit the gas while turning away from the corner and tap the gas and direction back and forth. Sometimes giving the gas and E-brake back and forth is your best way to keep control through the corners. Once you get your car facing the direction you should begin going straight, GAS IS to stop the drift ASAP! You'll catch on if you just stay with it. Try running the course a few laps in the Dirt and Snow practice tracks. Oh, and try to slow down and stay to the inside of the corners. And not all Rally cars are easy at all to control. My personal favorite is the Subaru Impreza WRX '04, Audi Pikes Peak Quattro '03, and the Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car '02. Im I'm sure everyone has their own way of doing these types of races, but this is what works best for me. They are definitely some of the most skillful races on the game!

Thanks for the advice Nickskrap, oh and not for laughing :lol:

The dirt and ice tracks are my downfall im afraid. I guess its like everything else in life really. The more you do it/try it the better and easier it gets. So i will just continue to try doing those but now with added help via you advice.

Thanks again.

• Do you have all the licences? If not, try to get them all. If you do have them all, try to get all 'silvers' or all 'golds' in the tests.

• If you've not already done them, try and complete all the driving missions in the Mission Hall.

You'll also find both these tasks are excellent ways of improving your driving skills, which will make competing in the harder race series more enjoyable.

They're not dauntingly long races either, so if you don't get much time to play the game, you can just have a quick shot at one of the tests or missions without it taking up too much of your time.

Ive got all of the licenses except the very last one. I think ive got mostly silvers and a few bronzes in all of those actually, tho only a handfull of golds im afraid :dopey:

As for the mission halls ive got quite a few to do actually and i agree with the fact that they would be perfect for me right now (and others) who dont have the time to sit down for hours on end and play until the hearts content. 👍

You should try some of the race series here on gtplanet. There are the WRS, WES and GTP-DTM series. These are great as there is a lot of feedback from fellow racers who are willing to help others. I'm not saying you need help, but I enjoy the great community of racers in the WRS. We run combo's (track and car) that I think are quite unique. You usually won't find these combo's in the regular game play. I'm not active with the other series, but I know some from the WRS run in those other series.

Check these out, you may be interested. Oops, inspired.




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