Need the input of you guys :)

  • Thread starter nasanu


Its been over 10 years now since I really used to get into 'online' racing on forums, honestly I thought it would die with the advent of real online racing. But anyway why I am here is that I need some schooling on what the scene is like now.

In my day it was all TT based, we would run offline, write down our times and PM them to the race admin. Then at a set time the admin would post the results in the forum. Does that kind of offline league still exist? That is question one.

From reading some of the threads here (my god these forums are a mess these days.. what happened to the old software?.. What is this blog style degeneration?) it seems that you run online at a set time, but what happens after? I am guessing there is an admin who records all the results and figures out points and such? Also do you run qualifying?

Finally to any league admin here, if there were a website that could handle driver registration, produce race calendars and calculate points etc for you, would you use it? If so what would you expect it to do before you would use it?

For full disclosure I will tell that I am 80% way through developing such a website, but I won't post the link here, I just want info, not to spam.
GTPlanet Weekly Race Series (WRS) :

That's where the weekly time trials are handled. GT5 time trials end tomorrow, and GT6 time trials will start in January.

About 9 months after GT5 came out, we started racing the weekly time trials online:

And no, we probably wouldn't use your website as we already have our own system that works quite well.
From what I understand, and since GT6 is not out yet I could be very wrong, you will be able to set up time trials in the new community section in GT6. If that is true, then GT6 is already going to do that for you. It would be a nice added feature to the game as well.
1. yes Ive raced in a club that did TT during the week and also got together once a week online and ran together for fun. I believe there was something said about what ynot is saying but I have not seen it in the game yet.

2. yes usually the person who created the league reviews the races and awards points based on finishes. Some leagues have qualifying some don't the ones that do either do it buy whoever is fastest in practice but also gt6 now has a qualify option so I am sure the leagues will use that.

3. Ive created a website before that aloud people to sign up but I had to do the points manually. or are website builder sites I've used they are both free to a point. A site like the one you say you are building would be great. Honestly if it at all possible I'd like the points calculator to be able to change positions, and totals of competing drivers. It would have to be able to take the people who signed up and put there information into the points table and also have a way to update news and add pictures. Just some ideas that would be cool if you could create it.:) on what gravitron says do not listen to him I hate having to enter in stuff manually. Any way to reduce time it takes to update points systems and driver info is going to be indispensable. hope I don't get kicked off the site for disagreeing with a moderator just trying to give an honest opinion! :scared:
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