Netgear Router Issue - random disconnecting

Hey Team,

I recently swapped from a D-Link M15 mesh / router system (long story short, wifi from the extender, regardless of where is was, speed went from 90-100Mb down to about 20....wired was fine) I returned it and got a Netgear Nighthawk MR 70. I've done pretty much everything I can - assigning a static IP to the PS5 (which I run via ethernet), turning of all sorts of scanning and blocking features of the router, and I'm still having issues. Speed is great. Ping is great. But every freaking race over the past 2 days has disconnected (and also in practice mode), completely destroying my DR in the process (60k A+ down to A now...).

Has anyone experienced similar issues? The same setup, same cable, everything was fine on my old router.
Legend. This seems to have worked!
It's also part of our step-by-step GT7 connection issues mitigation thread! :D

I did find this, thanks @Famine !!

Still might return the router. PS5 seems fine now but everything else disconnects randomly. Why is it that the more expensive routers seem to be the worst (also, Netgear support is horrible - after asking all the basic questions multiple times, not understanding static IP or DMZ, or how to read from the logs.....they asked me how big is the PS5, and can i move it closer to the router (it was connected via ethernet...))