Netgear Wireless-N Router + PS3 (Help required)

  • Thread starter Punknoodle
Hi everyone,

I have a complicated question. I have suceeded in the past to connect my PS3 to the internet, via a crossover cable using internet connection sharing on my 3 Mobile USB dial up connection.

Today I thought I'd do something much nicer - I bought the aforementioned N 300 router, and set it up beside my PS3, wiring from the PS3 to one of the ethernet ports on the router. To connect the laptop I set up the wireless network.

The reason I did it this way is for maximum speed - the PS3 only has wireless 'g', and my laptop and router are 'n'.

Now before I go any further this set up isn't for online gaming, it is simply so I can download things from the PS Store and for when GT comes out to perhaps get DLC, as well as for media server duties.

So anyway, according to other guides - and I've read A LOT - I set up the PS3 to have a static IP of, and set that IP as a DMZ in the router settings.

I also set the sub mask to, the default router to (the router IP) and both DNS settings to the default router setting. I enabled internet connection sharing for my 3 Mobile connection and enabled Network Discovery, and basically everything else like file transfer, media server etc.

Now the problem is that when I go to connect the PS3 it says that is has obtained an IP address, but it comes up with the dreaded DNS error 80710102. And I can't shake it, I've tried different DNS's (the ones that come up for the 3 mobile connection when I do an 'ipconfig/all') different IP addresses, port forwarding, you name it.

So not only can I not get the internet to work, the PS3 won't even find the Tversity media server I've set up. I really am getting frustrated, especially as I paid a fair amount of money for the router.

Everything at the laptop end seems fine - I can connect to the internet using the dial up connection at the same time as the wireless connection, so there is no conflict there.

So, just to recap on specs incase someone out there can help me (I would be so greatful!)

HP Pavilion DV6, Intel Core i5, 4Gb RAM, Windows 7 Home Premium (32 Bit)
Broadcomm 43225 802.11b/g/n Wireless adapter
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 (Do I need to adjust Firewall in here?)
Netgear Wireless-N 300 (WNR2000) Router
Huawei USB 3 Mobile Internet
60 Gb "Fat" Playstation 3
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Hooolllld up, so you're sharing the connection from your Huawei modem, from your Laptop to your router over wifi? Not going to work, as far as I can work out.

You can theoretically share a connection over wifi to a router, but that involves you setting up the router as what's called a 'bridge'. The problem is that (as far as I know) no Netgear router can do this. Mine certainly can't, and I'd guess yours is the same.

So, if you want to share the internet connection to the router, you'll have to do it with an ethernet cable from the laptop's network port directly to the input one on the router (probably labeled modem or cable or something). Which does sort of defy the point of the router being there in the first place, unfortunately.
OK, thats a good explanation, thanks, valbiet not exactly what I wanted to hear haha. So I bought a fairly expensive paper weight. How about this then, what about if we forget the ICS all together, and set the router up as purely a device to network my PS3 to my lap top to set up a media server - I can't even get this to work, surely my router is capable of doing that?
OK, thats a good explanation, thanks, valbiet not exactly what I wanted to hear haha. So I bought a fairly expensive paper weight.

Haha, yeah pretty much :/ Sorry.

How about this then, what about if we forget the ICS all together, and set the router up as purely a device to network my PS3 to my lap top to set up a media server - I can't even get this to work, surely my router is capable of doing that?

I'm not familiar with the PS3 and its media servery bits, but I don't see why not. It's still a networking device regardless of whether it has an internet connection, I would have thought.

Though personally I'd take it back/eBay it and find yourself a wireless bridge. Or better yet, a Linksys WRT54G (which should be fairly cheap) and install this on it. I've got one set up that way and can confirm it can act as a bridge 👍
Just make sure you get the right version of the WRT54G. Not all of them support custom firmware (especially the v7 is a piece of crap).
Can PS3s connect to Ad-Hoc networks? (I've never tried it) If you just create one on your laptop and connect the PS3 to it. With ICS enabled over ad-hoc it should work.