new drift settings?

  • Thread starter rwd2006
hi there i recently tried the drift settings above on the hks s15 but found it really uncontrollable am i doing something wrong? or is anymore settings i can try?
You do realize those settings are "shared" to the public.. Those settings are preferrable to the person who posted it.. If you dn't know what should be tampered with, just compare every setting of your Genki Silvia and read up on how each setting changes the car's behaviour. Also, someone said constant tuning isnt the way to go, Stick with a decent setting should you adapt to it, It's partially because your're not used to that car's specs and you should keep at the same car.. Remember: Quality over Quantity
I didnt changed setting of my HKS and just learned to control it on stock settings. They are fine for me. The only thing I did is Sports Hard on front and Medium at the back so the car is more stable on the exit from the drift.
The HKS is probably not suited for beginners.. it's very good on it's default settings, if you find it uncontrollable I suggest downgrading to a lightly tuned road car. Those are the easiest to learn with.
Definitely follow the older members advice, starting with a slighty tuned street car is a much easier than opting to learn in a fully race bred drifter. I own the genki now as well, i left the settings stock but changed to N-tyres, it is quite a pleasant drifter even at half throttle..

Best of luck!! 👍
try making your suspension harder in the back and make the front tires toe in and the camber angle out like for example 2.5 for camber -2