Rydeit 92 RydeiT Oct 10, 2009 #1 i havnt seen this video until now! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Gran-Turismo-FT86_711529.htm
Organ-Donor 2,523 South Florida Organ-Donor Oct 10, 2009 #2 You're a day or 2 late. Been posted numerous times. Thanks anyways...
S Sivers 118 Sivers Oct 10, 2009 #4 It's on the front page and about 10 threads down but, yes, it's very cool.
jagenigma 952 Jackson Heights, NY jamesman22 jagenigma Oct 10, 2009 #6 You mean drifting? I was under the impression that you meant that the car was sideways about to flip over. Be clearer next time.
You mean drifting? I was under the impression that you meant that the car was sideways about to flip over. Be clearer next time.
TorqueHappenS08 2,980 Greensboro/NC/U jarod336/GTP_torque Paperorplastic/ manherollen Oct 10, 2009 #7 Damn...i thought it would be a supra RZ chasing a production LFA....