New Gear


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
Edinburgh, UK
Well, 2008 photography has taught me I need a couple of things. Firstly, my 100-400 F/4.5-5.6L IS doesn't focus fast enough, and has cost me some shots, so I'm augmenting it with this:


The Canon 400 F/5.6L. Supposedly Canon's fastest-focusing lens, and beautifully sharp wide open, it will be excellent for head-on motorsport shots, plus the sort of rapid recompose-refocus you have to do at tracks, and any birding I may choose to do.

Also, because I was being blown about at some of my events, this:



Gitzo 2541 monopod, with a Manfrotto MN323 quick-release head. The monopod is only 380g, but will support 12Kg!

Finally, I don't really need it, but I really want it, and the Financial Controller signed off the budget application, so this is the final item:


The Canon 135 F/2L. Beautifully sharp, amazing bokeh, discrete, fantastic.
Nice kit, gotta admit the 135 would annoy me a bit (The Nikon 50mm f1.8 I've got is annoying at times) but if you can make it work (Which I know you can!) then it'll produce some stunners. 👍 I really should get a monopod soon too...
Wow! Someone's certainly had some money to spend, and what a way to spend it! Nice kit!

Gah! I should have gone for the epic double-accounting, Enron-style. You already funded most of my PS2, but I'm sure I could have got more kit! Schoolboy error.

Does that mean you'll be going up to knockhill more? :D

Perhaps, although with another baby on the way, and a burgeoning interest in the Scottish Hill Climb Championship, perhaps not!
damn you, you have money ¬¬

great stuff, I'd love to steal thast sparkling white lens and give it a whirl myself.
Wow. 400 and 135. They must be fun. I agree 100-400 is quite slow to focus and my arms get sore fast before I can get some decent pictures. Maybe I need a monopod as well.