New GTTV Videos

  • Thread starter Shant J.
Very nice. Looking forward to the Super GT gran prix at Suzuka. Too bad it is like 6 months late :(

The rest is pretty crap in my opinion. I mean, Top Gear is hopelessly outdated.
I can't buy them anyway since PSN stupid Networks doesn't accept my CC. smy money.

Imho the Movies are overpriced anyway, too.

No thanks. I'd rather have PD making the GAME BETTER than producing videos. If more people would voice their opposition by not purchasing this crap, it would make a bolder statement, IMO.
No thanks. I'd rather have PD making the GAME BETTER than producing videos. If more people would voice their opposition by not purchasing this crap, it would make a bolder statement, IMO.


I really enjoyed the Ferrari program and look foward the other parts. I believe PD can produce videos AND make the game better at the same time. I know its a crazy concept but I have faith in Kaz that he isnt in over his head.
It wouldn't surprise me if the videos haven't been selling very well. 1) too expensive 2) I would want them permanently 3) My connection is too slow 4) I agree with above - would rather the game was developed.
No thanks. I'd rather have PD making the GAME BETTER than producing videos. If more people would voice their opposition by not purchasing this crap, it would make a bolder statement, IMO.

i agree. Less videos and more cars/tracks. I did enjoy the Ebisu D1 video's. Just wish the actual game was going to be released anytime soon. They should focus on whats important...the FULL VERSION GAME!! 💡
I'm sorry to argue with the majority here, but what percentage of PD's resources do you actually think are going solely towards video production and what effect does this percentage have on the quality of the overall final game?

I just dont feel like this GTTV stuff is putting GT5 behind either. GT development has always been long, thats nothing new.

I also think Kaz deserves a test drive in Nissan's new supercar, a tour of the Ferrari factory, and whatever else he can get from the automobile industry. He is living his dream and if he wants to take a couple people with him and film it in HD and sell it for a couple bucks, more power to him.

I have seen videos of the PD offices and people can pretty much live there if they wanted. The game is being worked at all hours of the day non-stop.

Also consider that maybe Kaz has certain people doing certain jobs because they are the best at them. More people working on a certain job will get that job done faster, but will it be better?
I am in US East Coast, Still no new GT videos even tho I had a logo that says NEW over in GT TV... How much longer I have to wait for F2 video?
It wouldn't surprise me if the videos haven't been selling very well. 1) too expensive 2) I would want them permanently 3) My connection is too slow 4) I agree with above - would rather the game was developed.

Let's face it, if you never load the disc to play the game you're never going to see the videos anyway! flawed logic from PD imo.
Let's face it, if you never load the disc to play the game you're never going to see the videos anyway! flawed logic from PD imo.

agree,that and i have seen most of the movies before anyway ,so why pay to see them again....
but this is probably only the beginning,so we might see some real nice stuff comming along in tha future...:)

I am in US East Coast, Still no new GT videos even tho I had a logo that says NEW over in GT TV... How much longer I have to wait for F2 video?
Nope, they're still not available. The Option video section even has a new background from the new car soccer episode, but the episode isn't up yet.
You guys really believe that the coders are making these videos? lol. Maybe I should tell you guys that making the box art is going to push the release date back a few months too.... And there will be no DLC for a long time because they will have to finish all the commercials for the game first. Seriously guys, try thinking a little hey?
I actually bought (or rented) most of the video on GTTV, even the Top Gear episodes (which looked much better than what I get from the local BBC station). It's great to be able to watch program that I norrmally won't be able to see (Super GT and PD's own)- as long as it's about cars, I'm all for it.
I am definitely interested in the Super GT Suzuka vid, since it is hard to watch Super GT in eth US, and as I cannot get Top Gear here in the US easily, and legally (torrents are not legal in the US before someone brings that up) I will likely get those as well.

I wonder where that Nurburgring 24h race they advertised a while back disappeared to. I will pay a decent sum for that, assuming it is full coverage.