new HDD. Will i lose game save?

Hi, I have an Xbox Arcade with an external drive to save game save progress on. My previous issue was that FM4 doesnt give the replay option with the Xbox Arcade.

I have now bought an Xbox HDD which i will install later.

Will i lose my game save progress? would i need to restart all over again or is there a way to keep my current level? Will the Xbox start up as if were new eg: no profiles etc?
Theres a transfer cable you can get from Microsoft that will transfer all your stuff from one hard drive to another so you don't lose anything but if yours is a external after market hard drive i'm not sure weather it will work or not :s
Make sure you download any DLC you have already bought cars for in game.

Hard one to explain but I often use my tag on other consoles and if the DLC isn't on the HDD it just removes the DLC cars from my garage and dont even bother thinking it gives your credits back - twice now I bought every car in the Nov DLC and now lost them all twice - havent bothered to buy them again.