Venny_ 174 Guelph, Ontario Vennyscool911 Vennyscool911 May 16, 2014 #1 It seems as though the voice actors are changed. I'm so excited for this movie!
CodeRedR51 Premium 55,319 United States May 16, 2014 #2 I think most of the Initial D talk has been in here:
I think most of the Initial D talk has been in here:
Venny_ 174 Guelph, Ontario Vennyscool911 Vennyscool911 May 21, 2014 #4 R1600Turbo I think most of the Initial D talk has been in here: Click to expand... But this isn't related to fifth stage.
R1600Turbo I think most of the Initial D talk has been in here: Click to expand... But this isn't related to fifth stage.
CodeRedR51 Premium 55,319 United States May 21, 2014 #5 Well if that was my thread I would have changed the title to make it the "Initial D General Discussion" thread but I can't. Most Initial D discussion, 5th stage or not, has been in that thread.
Well if that was my thread I would have changed the title to make it the "Initial D General Discussion" thread but I can't. Most Initial D discussion, 5th stage or not, has been in that thread.