New Owner of a 360

  • Thread starter Brett


United States
Well just thought I would would say that I am now a Xbox 360 owner. I decided that I wanted one and being that I had $200 of credit from a game store laying around, it made the decision somewhat easy. At first, I wrestled with the idea of buying a 360, but today I just decided to go buy it and here I am. And was I ever like a little kid on Christmas the whole way to the store and back when I went to get the 360.

I went ahead and bought three games. Gamestop had a buy two used games, get one free coupons in one of the magazines, so I went ahead and did that. The three games I purchased are: NCAA Football 2007, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, and Project Gotham Racing 3.

I've already played NCAA and GRAW a little and have a decent feel for both of them, but both are going to require some more time getting used to the button layout, controller, and general use of a controller over a steering wheel.

I just put in PGR3 a couple minutes ago, and unless I can use the GT4 wheel with it, I will probably be taking it back. There just is not any way I can go back to using a controller in a racing game. It does not feel natural at all. I did not see a thread on just PGR3 after skimming over the Xbox 360 threads, but I may have missed it. Maybe someone can help me out and let me know if the wheel or not.

Having said that, any suggestion for other games to look at? Or if I take back PGR3 because of lack of ability to use wheel, what would be good to replace it with? Any other things I should look to get? Accessories?
You cannot use the PS2 GT4 wheel, because the ports on the 360 are different then the PS2 ports. But you should not flog PGR3, just because you don't have a 360 steering wheel.
Dang, didn't even think to look . . . too busy playing NCAA and GRAW. Oh well, I guess that means PGR3 is going to back to the store tomorrow and is going to be exchanged . . . but for what?
Dang, didn't even think to look . . . too busy playing NCAA and GRAW. Oh well, I guess that means PGR3 is going to back to the store tomorrow and is going to be exchanged . . . but for what?
How about you actually give PGR3 some time? It's been less than a day. Once you get used to the controller, it's really fun. Unless your game store's return policy is that you need to return it within 48 hours, give it a week, and if you still think it sucks, then return it.

If you do return it, however, I'd recommend buying Battlefield 2. Also, there's a ton of demos you can download on the Xbox Live Marketplace, so you can try out nearly any game you wish and get a feel for it.
Dang, didn't even think to look . . . too busy playing NCAA and GRAW. Oh well, I guess that means PGR3 is going to back to the store tomorrow and is going to be exchanged . . . but for what?


There is a wheel comming out for the 360 (wireless) this fall for Forza Motorsport 2, so I'd say give PGR3 a chance with the ol' controller for now. It is an awesome game, and it deserves to be played!
Its not that I think the game sucks, its that I have become so accustomed to a steering wheel in a car type game, that I will not be able to adjust to using the controller. It is two completely different worlds of driving for me with a wheel and with a controller. I cannot be anywhere near as smooth with a controller as I can with a wheel.

It also does not help that my driving style has completely evolved the more and more I have used a wheel. I used to go to almost full steering lock with a controller through corners and I am now to where I feed in the amount of wheel turn I need through a corner. I am now a much more smooth driver and I feel with a controller, I will not be able to do that.

I may give Battlefield 2 a try instead of PGR3.

I need to figure out a way to get a connection from my 360 to the router in my house, as the two of them are not exactly close at the moment (they are a room away from one another). I definitely need to figure something out so I can check out Xbox Live.

YSSMAN, I figured as much with PGR3. I enjoyed PGR2 very much when I had been playing it. It was a great game, but that was also before I made the switch to a wheel. It would be a completely different experience with the wheel. When I first got GT4, I started with a controller. Soon after playing it for a while and struggling with the license tests, I decided to buy the wheel and give it a whirl. It made GT4 so much better and reignited my enthusiasm for the game, I cannot even imagine trying to go back to a controller.
Its an arcade racer, which means you don't need to use a steering wheel much.
I understand that and as such, I'll give it another whirl tomorrow when I can spend a little more time with it. Maybe I'll be able to figure something out. Until then, good night! 👍
I understand that and as such, I'll give it another whirl tomorrow when I can spend a little more time with it. Maybe I'll be able to figure something out. Until then, good night! 👍

I've used a DFP for two years on GT3 and 4, and I hated PGR3 at first due to the controller. I gave it a solid week of playing before passing judgement, and ended up enjoying the game very much and completing the entire career mode at Platinum status. I've been playing alot on XBL the last few days and if you get a room with some decent guys who race clean it is really a great time for everyone. The cockpit view is such an improvement over the normal console racer views. Between cockpit view, decent physics for an arcade type game, and the XBOX Live matches it's really the most fun I've had with a racer in a long time.👍

After not playing it for several months, I played GT4 for about 15 minutes the other day with the DFP, and turned it off.:indiff: The terrible understeer and no fun factor at all racing vs. AI has really turned me against it.

Anyway, congrats on the purchase and have fun in the Arcade too, there's some hidden gems in there.:)
I'll definitely give PGR3 a chance. I remember PGR2 being an absolute blast and was definitely a nice break from the Gran Turismo series.

I am going to probably look into getting a wireless adapter for the 360 because that will make it a whole lot easier to hook it up to my router. The router and the 360 are just too far away from one another at the moment to hook the two up. I need to figure something out that is for sure.

Today on my way home from work, I stopped by Best Buy and picked up Remote for the 360. Haven't had a chance to see if it will work with my TV, but I sure as heck hoping it will. I also thought about buying a Play and Charge kit, but decided against it for today. I figured I would run through the batteries that were already laying around the house first, but that may change tomorrow.

Also on the to buy list, another controller, though that can really wait for a couple of days.
The Play and Charge Kit sucks. It only sustains the rechargeable battery, not charge it. It would be better to go to your local warehouse store (Costco, Sam's Club) and buy a year supply of AA batteries for $30.
Its always worked for me. It even charges when I use it
I know it works, and it charges some, but when I have it connected for an hour (starting on an empty battery), when I unhook it the battery only lasts for 10 minutes. I think it's made so it goes along with the Quick Charge Kit (all a money-making scheme).
Just use some lithium batteries. Yeah it's almost $10 for a pack of 4, but they last a really long time. I've been using this set of 2 for nearly a month now.
Like they said above PGR3 is a very very good game and since it is arcade style you really dont need the wheel at all. If you dont play PGR3 you will miss out one one of the best racing games out for the 360.
I played it some yesterday and it was pretty fun, definitely going to keep playing it for the next couple of days.
I played it some yesterday and it was pretty fun, definitely going to keep playing it for the next couple of days.
PGR3 is like a Snicker's bar. When you eat healthy for a year, and you take a bite out of a Snicker's bar, it takes like crap. But, have a bar every day, and it'll taste like heaven by the end of the week.
I played PGR3 a little more today and it was definitely fun. But then I started playing NCAA Football 2007 and have not touched PGR3 again. I am hoping I can finish the game I am playing at the moment and get a little PGR3 in before I go to bed.
I played PGR3 a little more today and it was definitely fun. But then I started playing NCAA Football 2007 and have not touched PGR3 again. I am hoping I can finish the game I am playing at the moment and get a little PGR3 in before I go to bed.
Keep playing. You get achievements for beating it on bronze, silver, gold, and on platinum. Its pretty easy on silver. If you beat it on silver they automatically give you the achievements for bronze and silver. :dopey: 👍
You should also meet up with us online some time for a game of Cat and Mouse. Its really fun.
I would definitely enjoy meeting up with some of the GTP people online once I figure out how I am going to get my 360 connected to the router. I do not really know when that is going to be, but I really have two options. Run a cable along the wall in one room to the door in my room, up around the framing of the door and down the wall on the otherside to the 360 or I could also go wireless. I already have the wireless router, so I would not have to worry about buying one. I do not know which route I am going to go. Now onto to some gaming!
Sounds like you have to decide weather you want to spend $99 for the wireless adapter for the 360 (super freakin over priced if you ask me. I can buy a friggin top of the line router for less than that. Not to mention more than enough cat5 cable and plastic moulding to cover the cat5) or run cable. I say go for the cat5 and plastic moulding.
If you have the extra cash, go wireless. Because in the future, you can connect a Mac, or a laptop, or a PS3 to it. And having cords running everywhere looks messy.

For the $100 you would need to spend for a wireless adapter, you could either go cord-free or buy 2 games.
Integra Type R
Sounds like you have to decide weather you want to spend $99 for the wireless adapter for the 360 (super freakin over priced if you ask me. I can buy a friggin top of the line router for less than that. Not to mention more than enough cat5 cable and plastic moulding to cover the cat5) or run cable. I say go for the cat5 and plastic moulding.

The wireless adapter is extremely overpriced at $99. Most all of the accessories for the 360 are overpriced, but I guess Microsoft figures they have to find a way to make up costs spent on developing the 360.
I have no idea if it will work or not, but if it will I'm sure a Linksys unit would be just as good as the Microsoft specific unit.