New Porsche 930 has livery misalignment issues

United States
Just wondering if any one else noticed this. I made a Vaillant version of the 930 and noticed that when I put any decal on, lets say the hood or rear, its not centered. I have to center it. Also when you mirror a decal to the other side its not in the exact position on the other side. Its off by a decent bit. I thought it might have been the decals but it’s not.

I think PD needs to remap or whatever they need to do to correct the misalignment issues.

Not a pic of the misalignment but that Vaillant decal on the hood had to be centered. The Vaillant lettering and all decals on the sides are imperfectly mirrored. So I had to manually move them to the correct position after mirroring.

The 991 RSR below I made 6months plus ago and uses the same decals and I did not have that misalignment issue so I’m thinking it’s the mapping on this new 930 model that’s off.
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And I just figured out why it is like this. The side mirrors are different on these cars and since those are seemingly taken into account for the "center" position of the car decals placed on the front and rear have offset. It‘d be an easy fix I guess :dunce: