New Remote races???

  • Thread starter MJGAIR
Anyone know if these remote races are going to be updated? getting a bit sick of these races now, need a refresh.
Also need to bring back those 10 minute races or add more drivers to a race
Got a fair few friends that want there Bobs used, but don't have the time of day anymore to keep everyone happy.
No body here will freely admit that they work for PD.
PD are the only ones Who know when or IF remote racing will "cycle"

BUT the game engine is set up to draw a max of 16 cars on the grid, no more.

Remote racing was done. So that at break times you could run some races and get your GT5 fix during your breaks.
It was not done to be a credit/Xp farming system.
( Yonis widget is still not legal as it was reverse engineered API. Not being blocked does not mean its authorized. )

20 min races work fine for working life
Coffee break 1 ..start race
Lunch break.. see the result of coffee break race and start more races.
coffee break 2 (evening )... see past race result and start new start race
Get Home see the result of Coffee break 2 race...

Any shorter races and the prize fund would be reduced again.
Shorter races make the random grid position more important than Car or Driver B-spec level.