T TomSlick 3 Alienware55 Aug 8, 2011 #1 Just want to say hello guys,little new to the race world ,played alot of GT 3,4,5,come to this forum to learn from the Vet's how improve my racing,and may even try my hand at a season ,when improve my driving.
Just want to say hello guys,little new to the race world ,played alot of GT 3,4,5,come to this forum to learn from the Vet's how improve my racing,and may even try my hand at a season ,when improve my driving.
leonardo887 156 Aracaju/Sergipe/Brazil leonardo887 Aug 8, 2011 #2 Welcome to GTP man Add me in the PSN if you want
MitchZ06 (Banned) 4,018 Mitch_Z06 Aug 9, 2011 #5 Acceptable Use Policy - You signed up to it, make an effort to stick to it. Aside from that, welcome to GTPlanet.
Acceptable Use Policy - You signed up to it, make an effort to stick to it. Aside from that, welcome to GTPlanet.