New Toy

  • Thread starter Goomba
I've been considering getting a digital dSLR (Digital Single Lense Reflex) camera for quite some time now. My parents have had a Nikon D70 for a few months, and I've grown envious. My old point-and-shoot Olympus D-550 just wasn't cutting it any more. I spent a lot of time at DP Review picking and choosing what would be good for me. After many days of careful deliberation I came home with this:

Canon's EOS 300D

From what I've gathered, its the best "bang for your buck" entry-level dSLR. Seeing as how I haven't done too much photography, I figured it suited me well. Also, Canon has a few higher-priced, larger selection of function cameras that I could move up to if I so desired, while keeping any lenses I may purchase along the way.

I also bought the camera to motivate me to get out of the house more often. I'm typically indoors playing World of Warcraft or finding the most worthless piles of crap that exist on the internet. It should also prove useful on summer camping expeditions.

Well, thats about it. I hope there will be many, many pictures posted here in the near future. See ya'll around.
Congrats on the purchase. I spent many weeks reading over, trying to decide wether to purchase a d70 or 300d. I ended up choosing the d70, and have been loving it since. Looking forward to seeing some pictures 👍

You really need to spend some time with that camera and give a full review. Honest good points and bad points. My wife and I are debating picking that one up. We currently have a Nikon Coolpix4300 and it shoots awesome macro shots, and really good "across the room" shots as well as good "up to 10feet" shots.

Problem being, we have a Rebel EOS and a handful of fantastic lenses to go with it. We'd love to have those lenses on a digital SLR.

As much as I trust Dpreview, I'd love to hear someone with serious hands on experience with it.

Good luck, Thanks, and enjoy!

I'm waiting on the D80 from Nikon to go with my N80. I'm told they will be damn near the same thing, one using film and the other using digital.
It was hard choosing between the Rebel and the D70. But seeing how little I knew about cameras, and photography, I couldn't justify spending that extra $300. I also figured if need be, I could steal my parent's Nikon. :D
I went out a bit today and grabbed this:


This is of course down sized to be convienent. Here is the unconvienent picture:

I'm already learning a lot about aperature size and shutter speed and how the two corralate. I've also realized this is going to be another expensive hobby.


Alta, I haven't had too much time to play with it, but hopefully I can have a more in depth review than, "It rocks my socks off." in about a week.

Also, the camera has done exactly what I wanted it to do. I got up somewhat early, headed down to the camera shop to pick up a protective filter, and went to the local park to grab a few pictures. I plan do the same thing tomorrow.
The Wife says "You've got a credit card, friggin order it"

That image looks absolutely amazing. You've got a nice eye for images. Very nice.

I'm looking forward to reading how you like it and what quirks it might have.


OK, just adding my own update.

I picked this up for the wife yesterday. She wa a tad bit upset about the cash outlay, but after talking her through it, and telling her my thoughts on it, she accepted it.

She didn't get a chance to play with it until today.

Ummm..... I think she likes it.


When I picked this camera up, I also picked up a 2 gig high speed CF card, and an extra battery. Smart thing to do, as now she can shoot nearly 1500 pictures and not worry about running out of memory. Might have to pick up a 3rd battery though.

I highly recommend this camera. After seeing the above image and the ones my wife shot, it's a fantastic camera for someone that needs more than a point and shoot, but can't afford the Professional level camera.

👍 👍
