- 995
I've been considering getting a digital dSLR (Digital Single Lense Reflex) camera for quite some time now. My parents have had a Nikon D70 for a few months, and I've grown envious. My old point-and-shoot Olympus D-550 just wasn't cutting it any more. I spent a lot of time at DP Review picking and choosing what would be good for me. After many days of careful deliberation I came home with this:
Canon's EOS 300D
From what I've gathered, its the best "bang for your buck" entry-level dSLR. Seeing as how I haven't done too much photography, I figured it suited me well. Also, Canon has a few higher-priced, larger selection of function cameras that I could move up to if I so desired, while keeping any lenses I may purchase along the way.
I also bought the camera to motivate me to get out of the house more often. I'm typically indoors playing World of Warcraft or finding the most worthless piles of crap that exist on the internet. It should also prove useful on summer camping expeditions.
Well, thats about it. I hope there will be many, many pictures posted here in the near future. See ya'll around.
Canon's EOS 300D

From what I've gathered, its the best "bang for your buck" entry-level dSLR. Seeing as how I haven't done too much photography, I figured it suited me well. Also, Canon has a few higher-priced, larger selection of function cameras that I could move up to if I so desired, while keeping any lenses I may purchase along the way.
I also bought the camera to motivate me to get out of the house more often. I'm typically indoors playing World of Warcraft or finding the most worthless piles of crap that exist on the internet. It should also prove useful on summer camping expeditions.
Well, thats about it. I hope there will be many, many pictures posted here in the near future. See ya'll around.