new tracks

  • Thread starter lbsf1
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United Kingdom
Warwick Uni
lbsf1 GTP_lbsf1
obsmu (my brothers acount)

look at the curcuits

1 driving park
2 new york
3 paris
4. seoul

don't you think that its strange that they would make a track for psp and not for gt5 so we might just have some new tracks
look at the curcuits

1 driving park
2 new york
3 paris
4. seoul

And Midfield, the 'Ring, Laguna Seca...

Not exactly "new" though. They're all in GT4 and what we know of GTM is that it's GT4 for PSP with 2 fewer cars on track.

don't you think that its strange that they would make a track for psp and not for gt5 so we might just have some new tracks

GTM is 480x270. GT5 is 1920x1080. It's a whole different ballgame making things for that kind of resolution where they can look perfectly acceptable on the smaller screen.

Has there even been a published track list for GT5?

No. And since this is GTM and old news, lock it is.
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