New Winamp Security Leak

United States
New Winamp Security Leak

A new security leak has been found in Winamp by Luigi Auriemma, security specialist at PivX Solutions. The leak causes a buffer-overflow and pertains to the current Winamp version 2.91 and partly Winamp 3.

The security bug pertains to the IN_MIDI.DLL plug-in up until version 3.01, which is included in Winamp 2.91 and also Winamp 3. Winamp 3 is affected only in part. The execution of arbitrary code through an exploit is allegedly not possible in Winamp 3, yet Winamp 3 can be crashed. Winamp 2.91 is fully affected. Nullsoft seems to be notified of this issue, but a patch is not yet available. If your Winamp stalls when playing MIDI files, then it is recommended to use another media player until a patch is available. Playing MP3 files with Winamp or any other files besides MIDI files is not affected by this security leak and therefor safe.

The buffer overflow is caused by manipulating the "Track Data Size" at the beginning of MIDI-files. This allows arbitrary code to be executed, according to Auriemma, although it depends on how an affected MIDI-file is opened and played, as through drag-and-drop for example. It is however not exactly predictable when such code is executed. This is not the first security hole in Winamp, but the past has shown that exploits using these bugs in Winamp are very seldom.

IN_MIDI.DLL already exists as version 3.03, which has not been accused of being affected, but it also hasn't been proven safe either. IN_MIDI.DLL 3.03 is included in Winamp 2.95, a leaked version of the upcoming Winamp which is not being officially distributed due to alleged patent issues regarding the included AAC-decoder.