Newbie Here looking for a good Group

United Kingdom
Blackpool, United Kingdom
Hi All

I'm a newbie to on-line racing but not to GT as been racing with the game since GT1 (showing my age lmao!). What i'm looking for is a good league/lobby/group, when I can join, have fun, learn, drive clean & gain tips & hints so I can become a better driver.

Am fed up of racing the same griefers in Daily races & FIA events who are just out to cause havoc, so would like a stress free environment when I can have a laugh & learn

Many Thanks

Johnny B - PSN - Cloud ACI
Hey there. I see you're in the UK. There are series here to look at in those time zones but I don't know how clean or fun they are. If you don't mind some late night racing there are some good US-based series to check out. In particular the ones in my signature are all great. International Racing Series is Tuesdays/Saturdays while SNAIL is Sundays and my Toyota 86 Racing Series is Wednesday nights. All of them start at 9pm EST so it's 2am for you. Come check us out!
Hey Johnny,

I run a league. We just switched from PC2 to GTS. It's a wide range of talent, but the priority is always clean racing. I made a thread in here that I just bumped today. Check it out and see if it interests you. If you're looking for clean racing (and strong punishments for those who aren't), it's a good spot.