newbie needs help

I am new to the ps3 and gt5 I just got rid of an xbox 360 to purchase a ps3 and only play gt5 at this time I have been doing alot of online daytona muscle car races and cannot keep up with everyone even with a maxed out car so I was wondering if someone on here can point in the direction of a thread for muscle car daytona setups I have searched and searched and have not had much luck at all. I can find plenty of stuff for the road courses and the imports but not much on the muscle cars. My list of cars is as follows.
63 corvette
71 cuda
67 cougar
71 charger
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Look up the Oval Tunery posted by kenwilinski. He knows more about circle track racing than anyone else I know of on here, and he specializes in vintage cars.
Oval tunery is a good place to start. I think Daytona Muscle racing is a bit of a specialized type of racing, therefor alot of the racers in there keep their setups secret. You can also look at Daytona NASCAR setups, they will not be perfect for Muscle cars, but alot of the adjustments are similar.
Yeah, he just began posting there, but shoot him a PM and I'm sure he'll take care of whatever it is you need.
A key to those kinds of races is drafting. You will get left behind if you don't stay in the draft.

Set a high top speed on your transmission to have the revs so you can draft. NASCAR vehicles typically use 249 MPH top speed setting. Though there are some very sophisticated settings some drivers use.

You need a lot of suspension travel at Daytona to handle the bumps and high banks, so set it high. Indy is more like a road course.

Toe settings can scrub off speed. Set your front/rear toe low as possible, but retain stability. You may want to experiment.

There are some good tunes listed in this thread, I only gave you some hints and guidelines to get you started.