Night racing in GT5

I just did a quick search, but I didn't turn up anything specifically on nighttime racing...

Anyway, I'm watching the qualifying in Le Mans and I just find it amazing at how much racing at night changes the nature of the track! This is just fantastic and I do hope PD includes this as it adds another challenge to existing tracks...Especially with the cockpit view.

I'd like to do my own GT5 rendition of this: wNjQ4NTAyZj&q=b8383bbd4cdb82d1049e8c&authid=&sl=86400&so=%252Feseurosport%252Feseurosport%252Flive%2 52Fvideo%252FES-24hLeMansQualifyinground-110608-22h&sdm=&pt=&tcode=&audio=0

Night racing is one of my big three wishes for GT5, so I'm with you on that one.

But yeah it has been mentioned many a time in the thread linked in comment #2. :)
Better than pure night, how 'bout Le Mans 24 hrs!💡 With full Day/Night cycle!💡
Would be brilliant, and a challenge to drive in the night....
with changing weather so when you start the race it would be fine, then at the end it would be pouring down.
I don't think every track will have it because it would require them to take pictures of the track at night too and make sure all the lights are right. Maybe just for some/gt originals.
Night racing in GT series:

Super Stage R11 (underpass & overpass)
Special Stage Route 5
Clubman Stage R5
Light Vegas Strip
George Paris
Rome Night
Yeah we have had plenty of night races as amar just stated, and some dusk ones like Hong Kong...

There is also that unknown night circuit we saw in a GT5 promo vid with the 350Z (might be singapore, china or fictional)...

I think night time racing will be no problem... the problem is/will be a dynamic day/night cycle.
For some reason i have the feeling that PD cant get it done or dont have it high up their "to do" list... just like dynamic weather effects, they have not even started on that after GT5P came out.

I'l give them a good example that should inspire PD though... codemasters's GRID! they implemented a perfect day/night cycle in their le-mans race! and all of that in just one year of development.