- 906
I just did a quick search, but I didn't turn up anything specifically on nighttime racing...
Anyway, I'm watching the qualifying in Le Mans and I just find it amazing at how much racing at night changes the nature of the track! This is just fantastic and I do hope PD includes this as it adds another challenge to existing tracks...Especially with the cockpit view.
I'd like to do my own GT5 rendition of this:
http://playlist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll?id=1605391&t=wmv&br=300&s=2023392747&start=0&nid=8253766&mid=8252169&pg=MTcwNDAwOTI wNjQ4NTAyZj&q=b8383bbd4cdb82d1049e8c&authid=&sl=86400&so=%252Feseurosport%252Feseurosport%252Flive%2 52Fvideo%252FES-24hLeMansQualifyinground-110608-22h&sdm=&pt=&tcode=&audio=0

Anyway, I'm watching the qualifying in Le Mans and I just find it amazing at how much racing at night changes the nature of the track! This is just fantastic and I do hope PD includes this as it adds another challenge to existing tracks...Especially with the cockpit view.
I'd like to do my own GT5 rendition of this:
http://playlist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll?id=1605391&t=wmv&br=300&s=2023392747&start=0&nid=8253766&mid=8252169&pg=MTcwNDAwOTI wNjQ4NTAyZj&q=b8383bbd4cdb82d1049e8c&authid=&sl=86400&so=%252Feseurosport%252Feseurosport%252Flive%2 52Fvideo%252FES-24hLeMansQualifyinground-110608-22h&sdm=&pt=&tcode=&audio=0