Nine Months: Keeping Cool

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
What are your opinions regarding pregnancy? With this specific topic in a "series," I decided I'd focus on staying cool for the next nine months between a man and a woman.

On the male side often times, I hear of men who abuse their mothers-to-be and all. It often pains me that when a baby is on the way, some men can't take those nine months, that 3/4 of a year. I can often understand that not all men are ready to be fathers yet. But, I think that lady needs some love. I'm sure if I were married or had a girlfriend and she were pregnant, I'd want ot try to make sure she's happy and safe for when I finally get the chance to see my baby or babies.

On the female side often times, I hear of women who go through the usual pain and agony and mood swings. Some don't even know if they want to keep the baby through the stretch. Some say that abortion is murder. And the lady is the one bearing the child, so she must be careful in her activities. That includes not performing extreme activities (wild dancing, rigorous exercise, etc), and not to mention watching what she eats and drinks.

This is not an opinion about pregnancy. It is about keeping cool before, during, and after pregnancy. So reply now if you have something to contribute. With a lot of males on here, it would be interesting to hear things from a female perspective as well because this affects both parties. Okay, I'm done. What are your opinions?
It pains me when the father says "I'm having a baby!" Whoa, really, so the doctors decided to recreate the movie "Junior?" What if the mother just had anesthesia for 9 months, as to ease the suffering of the father, so he wouldn't have to put up with the mood swings, and the mother wouldn't have to put up with the morning sickness? I heard that mother bears can give birth while they're hybernating....
What's wrong with the father saying, "I'm having a baby!"? I don't think he mean he has a fetus growing in his womb. Just that he will have a new child in the next few months.

I want to give birth to a baby, just so I can see how badly it hurts.
Eat a bowling ball. Wait until it reaches the other end. That's about right.
i wieghed 10lbs 8oz. :D Needless to say i came out the Cesarian(sp?) Csection way.
HAHA! 11lbs even for me:D But yeah, pregnancy is hard on both parties, moreso for the man if he walks out and gets hit with child support later. I just don't understand them bastards, my father included.
Jesus christ... you are all fat bastards!!

I think I weighed about 7ish pounds... and that's about average!!

Where to begin with Pregnancy eh?!

Well... I'll be looking forward to it when it happens... but at the end of the day I don't want it to happen just yet... If it did then we would keep it and a lot of things would change in our lives (I'd get even less sleep for one!) but we would also have to sell our apartment and we wouldn't be going travelling this time next year either!!

One thing I and my girlfriend do believe in though... miscarriage isn't a bad thing... if it happens it is natures way of telling you something was going to go wrong with the baby.

On a side note to this... if a horse is pregnant and it feels that the conditions aren't right... it can reabsorb the foetus into it's body mass and give itself an abortion! Weird huh?!

On a side note to this... if a horse is pregnant and it feels that the conditions aren't right... it can reabsorb the foetus into it's body mass and give itself an abortion! Weird huh?!


dude.. Thats freaking sick...
I was born by C section. I was about 8 lb I think, and my mum hemoraged ((sp?) placenta, bleeding thing). It was abit touch and go, but she recovered, and has had more kids.
I think I remember 911 (jack) saying he was a water baby.
On the subject of keeping cool, I've heard that for one part of the pregnancy the mother-to-be can get rather hot, in the good sense of the word. :D Add to that natural breast enlargement and you have at least a little bit to balance out the morning sicknesses, backaches, mood swings and so on. Birthing is painful, and therefore I have a lot of respect for women who do it without drugs (other than the natural endorphines that your body creates in response to pain, of course).
On the subject of keeping cool, I've heard that for one part of the pregnancy the mother-to-be can get rather hot, in the good sense of the word. :D Add to that natural breast enlargement and you have at least a little bit to balance out the morning sicknesses, backaches, mood swings and so on. Birthing is painful, and therefore I have a lot of respect for women who do it without drugs (other than the natural endorphines that your body creates in response to pain, of course).

You know that make me remember back last year during school. A selected amount of students were picked out of class to watch a video. It was sex education of course. Its a good thing 3 of my friends were in that class, cause when they showed the birthing all 3 of us vomited in corners of the class room.
Good god that was sick. :ill:
Ha ha, wow. I think our video must have been a lot better then, our class had mostly blushes and quiet 'we want more!'s. :lol:
Ha ha, wow. I think our video must have been a lot better then, our class had mostly blushes and quiet 'we want more!'s. :lol:

Yea, It must've. Cause it showed it from what the doctor sees when pulling the kid out.

It was truely sick. 👎:ill:

But I bet I'll have to deal with it within my life sometime, or I can just faint.
When it comes to future mothers and fathers, where do you draw the line where a person doesn't cheat with someone else, abuse a woman or a man, or what-have-you? I mean, some people go to extreme lows by beating a parent-to-be. I can't remember what happened last year or so, but some pregnant woman was killed with her unborn child, and it was in the news. It was Laci, I believe, right?

Anyhow, one of the bases of this topic is preventing abuse during pregnancy. You can read about such a worse-case scenario here:

I mean, a woman looking to give birth, and the guy can't take it anymore, so he resorts to attacking his mother-to-be. To me, that's stupid. So some men can't take having to endure more of a pregnant woman's "complaining." Well guess what? You hurt her really bad, you're not going to be the father of the child. I mean, you're MUCH better trying to hold together rather than being aggressive to your mom-to-be or cheating on her with some other girl. What would entail a "Jerry Springer" situation is if SHE becomes pregnant by the philandering (cheating) male.

So I've created this topic based on all the instances I've heard of men who have trouble keeping cool when it comes to their pregnant ladies. I've described the worst worst-case scenario in this post. Hell, if I were a pregnant woman, I'd at least want my father-to-be faithful with me. If he attacked me, I'd probably have to kick him out and be mother AND father. So, there's the worst-case scenario. How does one prevent this from happening?