Nissan Silvia Championship | Sign up for Reserve!

  • Thread starter xUXIOUSx

what should we do on race night?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
United Kingdom

Welcome to the Nissan Silvia RM Championship. This is a second season following on from iHealy’s first in Honda Integras.

The series will take place on Sunday evenings and there will be two races per night,but we're still deciding on the evening format.

Race schedule:

Room Opens at 6, please show up reasonable early so we can sort any issues before qualifying.
6:30 GMT - 20 Minutes Qualifying / 10-15 minute race / 25 minute race

Practice race is on oct 30, but people are welcome to sort out practice rooms before that.

Track List
Race Date / Track / Race 1 laps / Race 2 laps

Practice Race
30.10.11 / High Speed Ring / 9 / 22

06.11.11 / Suzuka / 5 / 12
13.11.11 / Monza / 5 / 13
20.11.11 / Spa / 4 /11
27.11.11 / Indy Road / 7 / 16
04.12.11 / Tokyo R249 / 6 / 14
11.12.11 / Nurberg GP/D / 7 / 16
18.12.11 / Rome / 8 / 22
2 week break due to christmas day and new years day!
08.01.12 / Autumn Ring / 7 / 20
15.01.12 / Grand Valley / 5 / 13
22.01.12 / Cape Ring Periphery / 6 / 17
29.01.12 / Nordschlief / 1 / 4

Regulations / Settings
• Damage: Light
• Grip Reduction: Real
• False Starts: On
• Tire and Fuel: On
• Penalties: Off
• SRF: Off
• Everything not mentioned will be default.


• You will have 20 minutes to qualify before the start of race 1.
• Grid Order Fastest First for race 1. Reverse Grid for race 2.
• ALWAYS give way to cars on hot laps, and it is advised that you wait, and give the car in front space before starting a hot lap as cars on hot laps have no obligation to move away from their racing line.
• Blocking cars on fast laps and cutting corners is not allowed, it WILL be penalised.
• After race 1 people should remain in the lobby and leave the track clear.

• Contact is not allowed It is accepted that slight knocks happen, and will be overlooked.
• Overall Aggressive is legal, but not encouraged, and consistent reckless or aggressive driving is banned
• Hindering other drivers by blocking if they are lapping will be penalised, mics are advised and cars lapping should let slower cars know they are approaching.
• The excuse of not seeing a car will be ignored, there are mirrors, and you can change controller setups to use arrows as

• The leading car always has the right of way on a straight and into corners; it is the overtaking cars responsibility to avoid contact
• The lead car is allowed to block once, and changed of movement after that could as illegal blocking.
• Deliberately not allowing cars enough space on track by squeezing them towards the edge of the track is not a legal move.
• While drafting into a corner, it is the following cars responsibility to avoid contact. (As long as the lead car breaks at a reasonable point) It is advised that the following car lifts before the corner, as they should be able to make the ground back while drafting down the straight.

Staying on Track
• Drivers should always keep two wheels on the track or be parallel to the track at all time.
• The edges of the track are marked with white lines and are considered to be a part of the track.
• Kerbs are counted as race track, however other area outside the white lines is not. eg concrete run off areas.
• The car returning to the track MUST give way to cars on the track and use the map to check it is clear behind them.
• If a driver unintentionally or intentionally leaves the track and gains a position, he must return that position within 3 corners.

Penalties will be given after each race by one of the independent stewards. (xUXIOUSx, FRAG-ME-CG or iHealy)
• First offence is likely to be a warning, but if it is serious a penalty could be given.
• Repeat offenders may be given penalties in the form of time penalty after a race or championship points deduction.
• To report an incident please PM me on GT Planet, briefly explain the incident ( what you think happened, when it happened and who was involved).
• Anyone who has an incident reported against them will be told and given a chance to explain the incident and justify their actions.
• Incidents at the start may be looked at more leniently because we accept that there is little space while 2 lanes of cars try to get into a single line for turn 1, however rules still apply and the above rules can still be used, so be careful.

1... ... 25
2... ... 20
3... ... 15
4... ... 10
5... ... 8
6... ... 6
7... ... 4
8... ... 3
9... ... 2
10 .... 1
Pole .. 1

Throughout the season there will be a team championship and a drivers’ championship, so each team (of two) will need a name before entering, and of course two drivers (see post below).

This series uses the NISSAN SILVIA SPEC-R AERO (S15) RM ’02. The only performance limit for this car is 535PP, this enables each driver to choose how to set up their car, you could change the weight, power or aero to get inside these regulations, this means that testing could be advantageous to test setups on different tracks before the race. Each team is also allowed any tyre choice they wish because races are low distances racing softs are recommended but not compulsory.

Sign Up layout-
Please Leave your GTP & PSN to sign up as a reserve driver
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Team Name: Phantom
Team Colour:Brilliant Blue / Silver Wheels
1. GTP/PSN/Number: syjones1 / syjones1 1
2. GTP/PSN/Number: xUXIOUSx / xUXIOUSx 2

Team Name:SF Racing
Team Colour: Black
1. GTP/PSN/Number: streetfighter80 / streetfighter80 / 80
2. GTP/PSN/Number: evo360 / b6t200

Team Name: Bluespeed Racing
Team Colour: white / blue
1. GTP/PSN/Number: Acedition333 / Acedition333 / 34
2. GTP/PSN/Number: AS27 / Soishiro_37

Team Name: D-Max
Team Colour: Plum Crazy Metallic
1. GTP/PSN/Number: GODfreyGT5 / FRAG-ME-CG 47
2. GTP/PSN/Number: Knight Spirit / Knight_Spirit 69

Team Name: Turtle Racing
Team Colour: Red & Black
1. GTP/PSN/Number: flimbo84 / flimbo84 13
2. GTP/PSN/Number: gknap/g_knap/76

Team Name: D-drifterz
Team Colour: Pearl blue
1. GTP/PSN/Number: bladeking187/bladeking_187/10
2. GTP/PSN/Number: The Widowmaker / RFLXWidowmaker

Team Name: Ride N Slide
Team Colour: Yellow
1. GTP/PSN/Number: priesty_lfc / priesty_lfc / 23
2. GTP/PSN/Number: iHealy / iHealy / 11

Team Name:
Team Colour: Yellow
1. GTP/PSN/Number: Sagarismic / SagarisGTB
2. GTP/PSN/Number: Mcgloney / mcglone1994


Sign Up in Thread

Drivers Leaderboard

Teams Leaderboard
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It will still finish at the same time as before, just slightly different timings and format :)

I'll work out the timings in a couple of days and get a track list including spa and possibly the karting once :)
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Are people getting the DLC? Should i add spa?

Definitely. I'm getting the whole £9.36 worth or whatever it is!

Shame they couldn't come up with another descent track tho. I do hope though that we don't have to keep paying out for new tracks though.
I think we will :( I'll look to include it and see what others are thinking, I know Knight and Frag will get it...
I dont have a teammate, but would really like to join.
I'm not the fastest driver on the planet, but I race clean and fair.

Team: TBD
Colour: TBD
Thanks, added you & ace that would be great, I think most people will have it so spa will be included :)
Sounds good does this. I'd like to join up. Don't have a team mate either so could join up with you, gknap, if you like?

Colour: tbc
Number: 13
PSN: flimbo84
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We'll sort out team mates of people who are currently alone when we're full (we nearly are now, just 2 more spaces)
U and me it is then flimbo84.

Looking forward to this:)
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Looking good so far.👍

I'm feeling good about this series...Car is running grrreat ! Handles the corners like peanut butter stuck to your fingers! Washed and waxed! And now waiting for ALL of you to "memorize" the back end of my Silvia.....:sly: LOL!

BlueSpeed Racing
-shifting to the next level-
xD, want to have a practice room with me in the next few days ace?

Looking at starting the series in 2 weeks, so get cars sorted.

There should be a test race a week on Sunday, although I may not be around it will be in my room and I'll put someone in charge. Practice race will be around High Speed Ring.

Finally, after a brief conversation the proposed track list is as follows

Indy Road
Tokyo R249
Nurberg GP/D

Laguna Seca
Autumn Ring
Grand Valley

Up for a brief debate, the ones in bold WILL happen, bit the others can be debated and possibly repaced if a good alternative is proposed :)
Team Name:D-sun Drifters
Team Colour:TBA
1. GTP/PSN/Number: bladeking187/bladeking_187/10
Team Name D-sun Drifters
Team Colour:TBA
1. GTP/PSN/Number: bladeking187/bladeking_187/10
xUXIOUSx.. I'd be up for a practice session (pre-season racing) I missed the last ones. Maybe Sunday??

And the tracks look good. I was thinking Grand Valley EAST (reverse) A great short track...more laps of coarse. But thats just my suggestion. Seems like the same tracks as last time.

Nordschleife- Time Change...Race at Dusk? (makes for great pictures :dopey:)

Again its just suggestions... It don't matter how it goes.👍
Let everyone else think of ideas for the season.:cheers: