No automatic Ranking update?

  • Thread starter D-Max
So to my suprise, I set a pretty quick lap time after 2 hours of practice. It was in the high 1:31's.. a 1:31.9 or so. I stopped for an hour then went back to it to find that my time had not registered! It would seem that they have changed the ranking updates so that it only registers once you have left the track. So just a warning to people who think, Great, I've done a good lap, Time to go have a break! Then just shut the system off without leaving track!.

Most people will now come on and scream and ball and say don't be so stupid just turning it off, but the old GTAcademy registered it while you were driving, I was expecting to do the same! But to my demise, it didn't.. The gulf in between the times is 2 seconds. I was dropping my time lap by lap, left the track for a quick bite to eat, started again and dropped around 2 seconds off over the next hour or so, turn it off, come back to it to find that my hour of hard work was ruined! Gutted is an understatement!
20 minutes ago I improved my lap alot and I did leave the track... in fact my system is still on, but my time is not updated. I dont know maybe the server is so much overloaded at the moment, that the times are slooow to come up on the leaderboards.

Im gonna give it a go again tomorrow after 16.00hr maybe they fixed something by then.