no -entry at some seasonal circuits

  • Thread starter manol
Hi,does anyone know why at some seasonal events and specific the lasts circuits of the 5 doesnt allow me to enter ,even if i meet all conditions.i noticed that the toscana road and some eifel kart circuits are the problem.
thanks guys
If I understand you correctly, you are having a problem qualifying during the latter races of a 5-race set. If that's the case, it's probably because your BHP (brake horse power) increased after the first 2 races, thereby putting your BHP or PP (performance points) over the limit. Your car's BHP increases as you race it. If you are limited to 500 BHP or PP, for example, and you start race one with 500 BHP, you will be over the limit by the second or third race in the set. You have to go back and decrease your BHP so that it and your PP are below the limit. Hopefully that made sense... :)
If I understand you correctly, you are having a problem qualifying during the latter races of a 5-race set. If that's the case, it's probably because your BHP (brake horse power) increased after the first 2 races, thereby putting your BHP or PP (performance points) over the limit. Your car's BHP increases as you race it. If you are limited to 500 BHP or PP, for example, and you start race one with 500 BHP, you will be over the limit by the second or third race in the set. You have to go back and decrease your BHP so that it and your PP are below the limit. Hopefully that made sense... :)
first of all i appreciate the time spending to answer me on my question.well probably i wasn't clear enough on to transfer my entrance issue to the actually there is no qualification problem, i have fullfilled many seasonal events but when it comes to the 5th race on most of the events as soon as i click to enter it goes on normally(the characteristic sound of acceptation is to be heard)but it stucks right on the next step of downloading the files of the circuit .the download bar goes slowly and after a while it comes to end without having afterwards the display with the usual submenu of entering , or modifying the the whole thing stucks on the moment where you can see on the upper part of the screen rolling the names and cars of the participants and the download i tried to enter on some incomplete events some of them i do could race but others not.specially the recent ones.
thanks a lot anyway and sorry for this long description of mine.
I see. You know, I was having a similar problem recently as well. In my case, I did the seasonal event and then the game froze right after the race before awarding the prizes for getting 1st. It happened 2x on different seasonal events (Stars and Stripes and the Formula Gran Turismo F1 event at Spa). I had to reset my PS3 and do them over. Hopefully you get it worked out. Good luck!
I see. You know, I was having a similar problem recently as well. In my case, I did the seasonal event and then the game froze right after the race before awarding the prizes for getting 1st. It happened 2x on different seasonal events (Stars and Stripes and the Formula Gran Turismo F1 event at Spa). I had to reset my PS3 and do them over. Hopefully you get it worked out. Good luck!
Different software problems been occured, so a ""reset" action would help me out.thanks again.
I'm having the same problem here. Last race of Ferrari f1 871pp race and the first of the seasonal events doesnt load therefore not getting the event price.

How you guys fix this?
I'm having the same problem here. Last race of Ferrari f1 871pp race and the first of the seasonal events doesnt load therefore not getting the event price.

How you guys fix this?
i m still working on it.sorry i will post as soon as i do have the solution.