No more NPR for me.

  • Thread starter milefile
Friday afternoon while I was driving home from work I was listening to All Things Considered on NPR, as I have for the past four or five years. Of course NPR tends toward the Left, but it's never bothered me, and it has always made up for it in other ways like thoroughness, and better than average international coverage, in my opinion. But this last Friday I heard the biggest piece of liberal crap I've ever heard on any radio or TV program, ever. It offended me so much that I don't think I'll be able to listen to All Things Considered again, and possibly NPR as a whole.

The piece was about "undocumented workers". This was the fiorst problem and I noticed it immediately. Illegal aliens were refered to as "undocumented workers" from the get-go, as if there is widespread agreement on what they are called, and have always been called just this. The illegality of their presence in America was absent from the perspective; their entitlement to America and it's benefits and freedoms was simply assumed as an obvious fact.

The piece opened with a story about an illegal alien (as they will correctly be refered to for the rest of this post) who worked at a frozen entre company in Texas. Seems he was cleaning a giant meat grinder when it inexplicably turned on and the guy was turned to ground beef. Sad story. Not to mention about as likely as being struck by lightening, probably less. I thought it was superogatory and blatantly ludicrous to open a story with such a singular and sanguine event; the intended spin went overbaord before it really even got underway.

The reporter went on to blame immigration laws for the tragic death, citing the company's pattern of safety violations and hiring of illegal aliens. But I couldn't help noticing that given the reporter's own facts, the blame would seem to fall on the company due to it's habit of hiring illegal aliens, which is illegal for a reason, one of which might be that they are unable to uderstand instruction manuals and/or English speaking managers. Of course this story's slant was that the managers should all learn Spanish and all the manuals should be reprinted in Spanish. Never mind learning a country's language when you get there; the country must comform to it's immigrants.

Before I turned on some music out of sheer disgust I got to hear one more sob story about a construction worker who also happened to be an illegal alien. He fell off a building and is now paralyzed from the neck down. This is sad too. In fact, it is so sad that it must be because of immigration laws, right? The hundreds of thousands of government dollars spent on his treatment, according to NPR, can be blamed on immigration laws. The fact that the employer broke the law, and that law enforcement needs to begin right there, was never considered. The piece played a good 30 seconds of this man's mother sobbing in Spanish, though, as if I am supposed to feel bad about it, as if I should've stopped it. You could hear her pain, and it triggered something base: pity. It is very easy (and downright immoral) to exploit a mother's suffering to further a political end, liberal or conservative.

This piece of crap masquerading as journalism so willingly turned toward superfluous and pornographic sensationalism because it is the perspective's only (untenable) justification. The fact that companies are breaking the law by hiring illegal aliens for the express purpose of avoiding U.S. labor laws and the unfair advantage of exploiting their workers was totally skipped in favor of blaming immigration laws. The fact that American citizens are out of work and would gladly take any job available was ignored. The fact that many illegal immigrants send their money back to Mexico or Ecuador or wherever they came from was suspiciously absent from the piece. The fact that an immigrant can come to America and make a good, legal life for himself and his family by going through the proper channels was not mentioned. In fact, it was assumed that the only way into America is by illegally crossing the border; it practically encouraged it.

I listened to this drivel and understood that it was intended to evoke a quick and intense emotional reaction from me ranging from pity to grotesque horror, and that these base reactions are supposed to be the foundation of an informed opinion. It demonstrated to me that the mindset that encourages illegal immigration, assumes the benefits of being an American citizen are somehow entitled to the whole world, and places the burden of fixing other country's problems on Amercan company's shoulders has no other leg to stand on; in the face of facts and proof and logical analysis illegal still means illegal, no matter whet country you are from.
Wow. I missed the piece, but I'm sure I would have reacted exactly as you did. Excellent words; I suggest you email them to All Things Considered.
I listened to this drivel and understood that it was intended to evoke a quick and intense emotional reaction from me ranging from pity to grotesque horror, and that these base reactions are supposed to be the foundation of an informed opinion.

They don't call them bleeding heart liberals for nothing. You're right, they'd have you think with your gut rather than your head.

Why would they want that? Is it because it makes their job easier - explaining sob stories rather than legal statues? Is it because they don't think people can handle the details and see the public as a vast pool of idiots. Is it because it is inherently easier to manipulate someone when they will follow their pity? Is it because they get more listeners when they do that crap?

I think it's because they actually believe that crap and are pursuaded by it.
That is rather blatant, liberal, gonzo journalism at its finest.
That is right up there with people without kids trying to advise you on the rearing of yours.:irked:
So, I guess we have to provide water for them to cross the desert safely, learn Spanish so that we can communicate with the ultra low paid illegals, and set up a system that provides them with free or subsidized health care?
What's next? Will we be providing underprivileged kids with guns, and lists of the unarmed citizens so they can rob the liquor stores, and residences of their choosing?
Will we be providing rapists with condoms, and addresses of ladies that live alone, and are unarmed? After all, they're just "misunderstood".:irked:

I have to say "BULL HOCKEY!!!" In light of the fact that there are many legal avenues to get into this country as a legal alien, I think, making it easier to break the law is kind of....What's the word.....STUPID!

I guess you have to reach a very advanced level of idiocy to spout such drivel. Yes, it's sad the things "illegals" endure to get here. But to villify the law, because it is unfavorable to law breakers...
*slaps forehead with palm*
It's obvious that some people have too much education, but were sorely under-equipped in the "brains and common sense" departments.
I guess it's true "Stupid people should not breed".
Everytime I listen to NPR. I just want to go hug a tree and watch Bambi! After that I might just run and skip through the wooded fuited plain.

Originally posted by milefile
Never mind learning a country's language when you get there; the country must comform to it's immigrants.

Half of everything here in California needs to be translated because illegal immigrants are so rampant here. You don't go to Japan and expect everyone and everything to speak English just because you are there.
I saw a news report this morning that showed 15 or so illegal immigrants being arrested and loaded into a police truck after a police "raid". Thank goodness the police still consider them illegal.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Half of everything here in California needs to be translated because illegal immigrants are so rampant here. You don't go to Japan and expect everyone and everything to speak English just because you are there.

This is true, but the illegal immigrants are working, making a piddly amount of money, and any half-intelligent business owner is going to market to them in order to generate more profit. There are quite a few of them.

Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
nice synopsis mile. I've always felt the same about NPR,... but it's better than the conservativeness (if thats a word) of the mass media.

Well, I agree - NPR is pretty bad. What gets me is most of what these journalists are saying is uneducated. It's meerly for shock factor so they can get more listeners. And the mass media is pretty far down the other path with their conservative nature.

Pick your evil I suppose. You'll rarely find someone who shares your exact opinion, and if you do what's the point in listening to them? You already know what they're going to say.
I have a strong bias toward my ideology. I make no bones about it. It just so happens that my ideology is most correct, because it allows others to choose their own ideology, so long as it doesn't affect me.
I meant in the media.

Anyways, we've already established my moral superiority, let's just give this futility a rest.

I know we can agree I'm right about that.
Even though NPR's so-called "journalistic pieces" are very liberal, I still find their reporting to be better than average, and more thorough than anything else I'm aware of. I also appreciate the lack of commercials (I hate radio commercials). I only get news from the radio because I don't watch much TV, and when I do it's to veg-out. I like the panel discussion programs, like Talk of the Nation. I'm capable of taking the facts and interpreting them for myself, but when a prewritten piece with a clear, biased agenda is broadcast, I end up having to turn it off; I've heard it all before, already know what they will say and that I disagree. I ended up emailing that post to Maybe I'll hear a piece of it on Thursday when they read all the other complaints.
I actually enjoy listening to the liberal spin on All Things Considered and wondering whether or not they actually realize how obvious they make it. :odd:
Glad to hear that you emailed your post to NPR. We will all be interested to see any response you may get from them.

Hopefully you get a positive response from them as it would be a shame, as you being a long time listener, to quit listening over a single commentary.

Keep us posted. 👍

I'd like to touch on this:
Of course this story's slant was that the managers should all learn Spanish and all the manuals should be reprinted in Spanish.

I hate the fact that I have legal employees that have been in this country for a long time (15+ years) and still can't speak a word of English. It infuriates me to no end that someone would be that lazy as to not even bother to learn the language of the country they live in.
Needless to say I have little patience for them and while they recieve fair treatment from me, I find it hard to do any extra in their favor for them. Especially the lazy ones.
Anyway, I've considered taking Spanish lessons so that I can communicate more effectively with them, but that has been on my own accord. I don't see it as doing it for their sake, but for more for my careers sake as speaking Spanish will make me more marketable.
Conversely, I would be appauled and downright pissed if I was at some point required to learn Spanish. That would be unacceptable in my opinion and I would probably tender my resignation from the company I work for if that ever became policy.
We Californians had that "Make English the OFFICIAL Language of California" debate before. We tried to make it a law. We had protests by Mexicans who refuse to learn English. When asked why they refuse to learn the most answer given was "Pride." Pride? Oh shut the hell up! Have pride in America now that you are living here. I think they just don't want to admit they are either too lazy, or too studid to learn it.

The "Unofficial" language of America is English. Learn it, or get out. When I lived in Holland I learned Dutch. OK, my Dutch is lousy, but if I had lived in Holland for more than 15 damn years, I'm sure I would have had it down.
Most of the employees where I work can't speak English. The Bookkeeper, who doubles as the personel manager, is also Mexican, but he speaks perfect English, is legal, and well assimilated into American society. Because of this he has become like the company social worker. I constantly see him filling out forms and doing all sorts of (non-work related) "favors" for these Spanish speakers... helping them buy cars, fill out mortgage documents, insurance forms, you name it. He gets annoyed sometimes because they can be very demanding. I tell him he brings it on himself and remind him he has no obligation to do it, and if he doesn't have time, he doesn't have time... too bad for them. Maybe they should learn English. But it's not like him to say no. He is a metaphor for America.
Did anyone hear the Fresh Air interview with Bill O'Reilly? I did, and I think O'Reilly was right to be upset. I heard the stream his page linked to. His personal page, not his FNC page.
I heard the last ten minutes of it. He was right about her bias, which she never even tried to deny. She also was big enough to answer his confrontation flatly and honestly, unlike O'Rielly, who embarassed himself by acting like an infant. To say he handled the situation poorly would be an understatement.
I suppose, and he's rightly criticised for such conduct, but the interview was largely irrelevant. She should have been discussing and challenging the contentions of his book, not whether or not he's been fair to media critics. Some of that is ok, but for how long should he have been expected to deal with it? Granted, he did say he expected to have problems doing an NPR program, but if this is how Fresh Air interviews are done, it does not sound like the best of programs in terms of manners.
Part of me thinks he did the most professionally advatageous thing he could think of, which for him, is overblown, self-righteous drama.

Normally Fresh Air is not political and I'm only interested in it about half the time.

When I turned the radio on, though, the funniest thing happened: I thought I was listening to AM radio. I mean he sounds AM even when he's on FM. Weird.
I finished listening to the interview and all I can say is bravo to Bill O'Reilly. It was obvious that the host was trying to get Bill to say something he would regret and to trip him up.

This was the first time I've heard NPR. I must say that it is extremely liberal and I'll probably never listen to it again.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
I finished listening to the interview and all I can say is bravo to Bill O'Reilly. It was obvious that the host was trying to get Bill to say something he would regret and to trip him up.

This was the first time I've heard NPR. I must say that it is extremely liberal and I'll probably never listen to it again.

Your opinion is uninformed being based on Fresh Air and that interview in particular. She normally interviews musicians and playwrites.

Bravo for O'Rielly? So being a tempermental ass is admired now? Hm.
Originally posted by Talentless
Did anyone hear the Fresh Air interview with Bill O'Reilly? I did, and I think O'Reilly was right to be upset. I heard the stream his page linked to. His personal page, not his FNC page.

Yes, and I also thought it was funny to listen to the interviewer stumble as O'Reilly shut her down.

NPR may have a liberal bent, but it's still some of the best reporting out there. I simply filter the dreck as I see fit - which has to be done with pretty much any media.
Originally posted by milefile
She normally interviews musicians and playwrites.

Why is she interviewing Al Franklin and Bill O'Reilly? Maybe they should have had a competent host.

Bravo for O'Reilly? So being a tempermental ass is admired now? Hm.

He knew he was being attacked. The interview was supposed to be about his book, but she spun it to attack him, and he got up and left.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Why is she interviewing Al Franklin and Bill O'Reilly? Maybe they should have had a competent host.
It is her show. Her "competence" is not really an issue here. Maybe he could've declined the interview.

He knew he was being attacked. The interview was supposed to be about his book, but she spun it to attack him, and he got up and left.
I'd hoped a figure like himself would've seen it as an opportunity to prove himself right and maybe win a convert or two. It is not that hard to just keep your cool and believe that incontrovertable facts, in this case that he was being interviewed by an unfairly biased host, will shine through to intelligent people. I don't particularly care for the guy, but I could clearly see what was happening. I also clearly saw him deal with it like a child by loosing his cool and having a temper tantrum, which is less respectable than unapologetically admiting one's bias.
I'll agree with you to the extent that Bill is immature, but I still think, whatever strategic advantage he could have gained not withstanding, the interview was inappropriately done by the interviewer. O'Reilly was wrong in manner, but the host's ethics were questionable, spending next to nothing on the proper subject of the interview, O'Reilly's latest book.

We may just have to agree to disagree, Mile. I simply think the host's actions and Bill's aren't equal to each other. The host was more in the wrong.
Originally posted by Gil
So, I guess we have to provide water for them to cross the desert safely, learn Spanish so that we can communicate with the ultra low paid illegals, and set up a system that provides them with free or subsidized health care?
What's next?

what's next? allow them to get legal driving licences with no problem... thus meaning that they go to the voting place tick the box where it says citizen show a licence , ( no-one checks), and then you have illegal immigrants voting too.. what a country !