No Shortage of Chemical Weapons in Iraq

  • Thread starter Danoff
The article claims they were manufactured before 1991 at least.

It seems that Iraq genuinely lacked the capacity to build and develop chemical and biological weapons after Gulf Storm and the resultant prohibition of such weapons, which were monitored somewhat (apparently) successfully by UN inspections teams.
The article claims they were manufactured before 1991 at least.

It seems that Iraq genuinely lacked the capacity to build and develop chemical and biological weapons after Gulf Storm and the resultant prohibition of such weapons, which were monitored somewhat (apparently) successfully by UN inspections teams.

Nope...thet were very succesfull in hiding these particular weapons from the so called " arms inspectors ' so what else did they hide ?

And BTW this is the first little dribble of info comming out of captured and translated documents ..tons of them...only 10 percent have been completed..and even less have been declassified...I suspect the good ones will start showing up in a few months so the republicans can practice thier victory dance....all the BUSH lied guys are doomed ...:)

Ummm no WMDS ..ummm what about this ? And these and oh BTW ...all these...:) :) :)

I can see Kerrys head explode now ...:) He'll have to change his mind AGAIN...his mind gets changed more than a babies diaper ! the hell could ANYONE vote for that moron ?
The article claims they were manufactured before 1991 at least.

It seems that Iraq genuinely lacked the capacity to build and develop chemical and biological weapons after Gulf Storm and the resultant prohibition of such weapons, which were monitored somewhat (apparently) successfully by UN inspections teams.
If I read this right these were discovered in 2003, so I doubt they were succesfully monitored by the UN.

Part of the issue with Iraq was that we said we knew they had weapons previoiusly and Saddam said he didn't and that they were destroyed. When we asked to see any evidence of their destruction they refused. They claimed they did this giant undertaking and didn't keep so much as a receipt.

While this does not prove that Iraq was building new WMDs it does show that they had them and were hiding them, which was in direct conflict with the UN resolutions.

And as ledhed said, we will probably have something really big declassified as the elections come around and then some kind of huge granddaddy info at the next presidential election.

This should be fun to watch.
Allow me to clarify, if Iraq was not able to produce new weapons than in my opinion UN Resolutions and inspection teams to some extent have done their jobs, in their abscence would everything have been the same? I posit it would have been different and they would have begun to develop weapons again.
Allow me to clarify, if Iraq was not able to produce new weapons than in my opinion UN Resolutions and inspection teams to some extent have done their jobs, in their abscence would everything have been the same? I posit it would have been different and they would have begun to develop weapons again.
Well, I would say they did half their job since the resolutions said that Iraq had to hand over their WMDs or show evidence of their destruction and the inspection teams found no WMDs.

Now, since they waited three years to reveal this I am curious what else has remained classified. It might be nothing or it might be something huge. With this year only being a midterm election I would think that Republicans have yet to pull out the big guns. Or Santorum got desperate and showed their entire hand all at once, but I doubt that.
I don't know if they would employ a strategy like this. Everyone and their grandmother has admitted the intelligence for going to war was faulty, if three years later they just happened to stumble onto a massive cache or uncover plants used for wmds or chem/bio weapons around election time it would reek of politics and I think that would turn people off.