No sound on my PC!

  • Thread starter CDailey
United States
Hello. I turned my computer on this morning and lo and behold, there was no audio. From anything. I can't hear my mp3's play, I can't hear the chime of an instant message. I can't hear anything.
I checked all the audio properties, and nothing is muted. I checked Winamp and Winamp is not muted. I've done everything I can think of. Can you please help me?
BTW: I am using XP Pro if that helps any.
Are you using onboard sound from your motherboard or do you have a sound card? Which Sound Card? Have you installed any hardware/software recently? Have you checked your cable connections for your speakers? Have you tried different speakers?
Originally posted by Pako
Are you using onboard sound from your motherboard or do you have a sound card? Which Sound Card? Have you installed any hardware/software recently? Have you checked your cable connections for your speakers? Have you tried different speakers?

I am using onboard sound from my motherboard. And the only thing I have installed recently was Winamp 2.9. I don't use speakers, I use headphones.
Have you tried different headphones? Have you tried your current headphones in something else? Have you gone into your BIOS to verify that your onboard sound is turned on?
No I havn't tried any of that. But it was working perfectly fine last night. I don't see the onboard sound could have been turned off?
And I just tried my headphones with my stereo and they work just fine. This is very confusing!
Well, you say you checked all your audio properties and there's nothing that would be causing your audio to be muted, the only thing that's left would be your MOBO and the BIOS settings.

You might try uninstalling WinAmp if that was the last app you installed before your sound dissapeared.
I'll try uninstalling Winamp, but I don't see how that would help considering that I used Winamp just last ngith at it was working fine.
I really don't either, it's more of just a trouble-shooting technique. Under device properties for your sound controllers, is anything disabled? Have you selected "Digital" as your input source? There's also a option to "Map through" or "Do Not Map through this device" under the multimedia options under your control panel.
:eek:!!!! It just started working again! Right out of the blue it just started working!! :D :D :D :D

Thank you for all your help Pako!

If this ever happens again, I will know what to do :D
:lol: Huh, those kind of ambiguous error are the hardest ones to identify because you don't know why it stopped or started.

Glad it got working....
Originally posted by Pako
:lol: Huh, those kind of ambiguous error are the hardest ones to identify because you don't know why it stopped or started.

Glad it got working....

:lol: Yea, I know.

I'm glad it's working too! :P