Nobody is talking about the pitcrew/pitstops?

But with the pitcrew all animated now, including wheels next to the car, a gasoline man and a lollypop man, i think it's save to say we are finally getting fully animated pitstops no?
We had that in GT4 as well... :dunce:

What I don't like about the pit stops, is that they're all wrong compared to reality. I wan't to have control of the car throughout the whole race, including pit stops! These are typical small, but IMO, still irritating PD errors, and they're too damn conservative to even think about trying get these sort of things right. They could at least give us an option to run automatic pit stops on/off.
F1:CE had fully animated user controlled pitstops, 2+ years ago...Hardly groundbreaking..I like how the back of the GT5P box has a pic of a pit stop on it......
GT4 had animated pitstops since 2004. ;)
I love them, its such a great detail, makes it a lot more lifelike (also see in the GT5 picture thread).
F1:CE had fully animated user controlled pitstops, 2+ years ago...Hardly groundbreaking..I like how the back of the GT5P box has a pic of a pit stop on it......

I dont want a minigame pit stop like F1 CE. I just want to drive into the pits myself and get penalty if I break speed limit. Wait for the lollipop and go on my own.
yea i agree bt i'm not trying to be funny in any way bt if u have full control of pit stops, some players would do some annoying things like trying to drive over the pit crew, trying to run over you if u r in full control or something. But yea i think we should have full control of the car. You have a good point.
We had that in GT4 as well... :dunce:

What I don't like about the pit stops, is that they're all wrong compared to reality. I wan't to have control of the car throughout the whole race, including pit stops! These are typical small, but IMO, still irritating PD errors, and they're too damn conservative to even think about trying get these sort of things right. They could at least give us an option to run automatic pit stops on/off.

yea i agree but i'm not trying to be funny in any way but if you have full control of pit stops, some players would do some annoying things like trying to drive over the pit crew, trying to run over you if you're in full control or something. But yea i think we should have full control of the car. You have a good point.
yea i agree bt i'm not trying to be funny in any way bt if u have full control of pit stops, some players would do some annoying things like trying to drive over the pit crew, trying to run over you if u r in full control or something. But yea i think we should have full control of the car. You have a good point.

And if PD would let people have total control in the pits, if they will have it realistic they need thesame ragdoll physics as in GTA4 and alot of red. :P

I'd say only control of the throttle. So it will be a reaction game to when you can drive away again, just like RL. :)
I'd say only control of the throttle. So it will be a reaction game to when you can drive away again, just like RL. :)
That's not RL. In real life you have control of the car.

I'd rather have control of the car, than animated pit crews.
You cant assume just because of the nice looking video of a pitstop in GT5 that actual gameplay will look like that. Remember the opening of GT4 movie how the pitstops looked so dynamic and different than gameplay looked.
You cant assume just because of the nice looking video of a pitstop in GT5 that actual gameplay will look like that. Remember the opening of GT4 movie how the pitstops looked so dynamic and different than gameplay looked.

Well, being fair, a gameplay demo is a much better source to reach a conclusion like that than a GCI intro...
I'm a bit disappointed that they put this on the list of features to mention (if it was PD who did, maybe it was Jordan in the news post), seeing as there could be a few things that might contribute to gameplay more.

Although this is one step closer to having awesome race simulation. Let's hope we have manual control if we want it.
I thought we all have played GT5:P ... the race preparation screen shows the crews doing their things real time not CGI. I think it is truely stunning comparing what GT4 can offer. However this is only player's team crews. I would love to see 6+ teams doing pit lane work in the gameplay same time, for example the Nascar race. I am still dreaming the GT Vision CGI (Super GT at Daytona) few years ago to become true!
I thought we all have played GT5:P ... the race preparation screen shows the crews doing their things real time not CGI. I think it is truely stunning comparing what GT4 can offer. However this is only player's team crews. I would love to see 6+ teams doing pit lane work in the gameplay same time, for example the Nascar race. I am still dreaming the GT Vision CGI (Super GT at Daytona) few years ago to become true!

Yea exactly i would more than be satisfied if all players go into pit-lane. It would be more animated. Just like in the CGI trailer.
Kind of saw them coming what with all teh pitguys walkin around in 5P, speaking of PC sims GTR2 has a programmable pit stop function, which works well if you dont want to make decisions on the fly, and want to have a strategy.
No i think we should keep the pit`s pretty simple,just steering and throttle control, and just the ability to pick which tyres you want(front and rear and left or right side) to be changed and a compound change to suit the weather ie hard/med/soft tyres and full wet`s and intermediates,and fuel amount and let the pit crew do the rest themselves.
I dont think console game has ever let you drive in the pits.

And if you were able to, how do you select your pit options while attempting to enter pit lane at the proper speed, drive down pit lane with out speeding, locate your pit box, enter and stop in it the box, all while selecting your pitting options?

That seems like a heavy burden to do. Dont get me wrong, it would be cool to drive down pitlane yourself, but you have to think of the feasibility and it still being a videogame.

Online it would never work due to what somebody said before me. To many idiots ruining it on pit row. Running over crews, blocking in others, or just plane old being ignorant.
Because a lot are still clinging to there anger because of the launch date, anyway it looks great hopefully they can actually talk.

and this is the classic example why so many people are disappointed right now. first it's the damage, then the release date. and in 6 months time it will be because the pit crew don't talk to you. be gracious for what you get, if PD had to implement all these things, it would not be realease until the PS4... :sly:
I'm not bothered about manually driving into the pits, plus I think it's a health and safety thing that games don't let you do it (I'm pretty sure it's against regulations to kill the pit crew). I'm fine with having animated pit crews, thats good news all around.