Noise? Or not. :s

  • Thread starter Boffin
Hi guys

I've been playing around with my new toy. Its a Nikon D60 DSLR attached to either an 18-55 or a 55-200mm lens.

I've been taking some shots and after sifting through a few of them, I have found one section of most of the shots where a pesky 5 pixels (maybe more - only looking through the viewfinder at this stage) are white - either brightly or an off shade.

Seeing as they only really appear when I have the camera in non flash auto, and after other experiments, I have deducted that the pixels only come when the camera is at a hight ISO setting. Problem is, they don't fully disappear untill I am running ISO100. 200 up to 1600 have the same problem of 5 pixels in a vertical/cross formation in exactly the same place.

After looking in the troubleshooting guide that the camera comes with, it says that random clusters of brightly coloured pixles can be seen when there is a high ISO setting. Now, I should've explained on the extreme ISO cases, there are random red patches (9 pixles approx), but what get's me is that this one cluster of white pixels shows up at exactly the same place.

Is it noise? If so, why does it appear in every shot bar the ones on the lowest ISO setting? Would that not make the camera useless in situations where the light is not absolutely beeming on the subject? If not, is there anything I can do? is it dust? is the processor (or whatever it is) just leaving these blank? or do I take it back to the shop?.

I haven't connected the camera to the computer yet (it's a day old now), but when I do, I'll upload example shots.

When I say 5 pixels, I think there are 5 because that's what I see on the viewfinder when zooming in. The thing is, if I can see them on the 2.X" screen, then I'm obviously going to notice it when it's blown up on the computer, and after spending such money on a camera, I don't think I should be expected to retouch everything I take just to avoid this white cluster.

Anyways....thoughts? Have you heard/seen anything like this before?
Those are dead/stuck/hot pixels, get the camera exchanged if you still can. I had a few on my D80, but it was already out of warranty and my noise reduction software cleared it up along with the regular noise anyway.
Pretty easy, if these pixels appear at low ISOs take the camera back to the store and get a new one. It should be covered by warranty.

EDIT: F1GTR was faster, must be the name :P