Nominate the next person for an interview!

  • Thread starter Suzuki
United States
Memphis, Tn
sorry for the delay, had to unexpectedly reformat my computer. so now that everything is well, i can keep this going.
so whos next?
I haven't seen them around here for a while, but I'd like to nominate either Sheron or TRi... if they can be reached
Ah! crapers, i thought this was posted today... I may as well go back to the noob forum... balls...

I really should check dates on new(old) threads anymore... This is like, the 4th time i've done this after being here for like, a year and a half... lol
Ah! crapers, i thought this was posted today... I may as well go back to the noob forum... balls...

I really should check dates on new(old) threads anymore... This is like, the 4th time i've done this after being here for like, a year and a half... lol

Meh, no biggie. No harm, no foul.👍