Non-Partisan thread

  • Thread starter wellyrn
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Only people with no party ties should post here please. Undecided or 3rd party Americans are welcome but be prepared of a harsh and critical analysis of your country.

America, its the super power, it's everyones concern, you probably notice its culture forcing its way into yours... what are its best and more importantly worst aspects?

First off: Manifest Destiny, Moral Righteousness, Jingoism. They call it "nation building", "family values" and "patriotism". In other words they want to take over the world, they think they are better than everyone else and thier government is always right. Thier beliefs are incompatible with the majority of the world. How do you think this will span out in the future and how should American citizens who love thier country at the expense of the world be dealt with?
:lol: Funny thread.
I have no party ties, I don't even live in the US...can I post, or do you only want people who agree with you to be allowed to post ;)

In other words they want to take over the world, they think they are better than everyone else and thier government is always right.
They think they are better than everyone else? Is this a fact or your opinion.

Think yourself lucky they don't want to take over the world, many other countries built empires, or have you forgotten about the Romans, Napoleon, our own Great British empire, and of course the good old Nazis.

Thier beliefs are incompatible with the majority of the world. How do you think this will span out in the future and how should American citizens who love thier country at the expense of the world be dealt with?

Incompatible!?! The majority of the world!? :lol: Thats funny, are all Canadians this bitter about their neighbours success.

And "how should they be dealt with!" By whom?, its their country.

Only people with no party ties should post here please. Undecided or 3rd party Americans are welcome but be prepared of a harsh and critical analysis of your country.

America, its the super power, it's everyones concern, you probably notice its culture forcing its way into yours... what are its best and more importantly worst aspects?

First off: Manifest Destiny, Moral Righteousness, Jingoism. They call it "nation building", "family values" and "patriotism". In other words they want to take over the world, they think they are better than everyone else and thier government is always right. Thier beliefs are incompatible with the majority of the world. How do you think this will span out in the future and how should American citizens who love thier country at the expense of the world be dealt with?
I will allow myself this one non-partisan indulgence before this thread is closed: You are a pathetic idiot.
I will allow myself this one non-partisan indulgence before this thread is closed: You are a pathetic idiot.

milefile, you'll get told off for that, unless you add "IMO", "you come across as" or "you're beginning to sound like" in front of it...or just edit it bad boy ;)
welcome Tacet. milefile, get out and don't waste anymore space on the way.

To the topic at hand, yes that is my opinion. I think they learned from the mentioned empires and are avoiding the same mistakes. 1) going for too much too soon. 2) Being forthcoming with thier intentions.

I am not bitter with thier success as long as it stays within thier own borders.

I don't mean deal with them as in "take them out back and deal with them". I mean how do deal with them like a normal person when they are completely clueless.
"The only thing that will defeat terrorists is a greater terror."

milefiles sig.

I have said many times before that America going to war makes them no better than the "terrorists". Of course every time I hear, "how can you say that? you are a liberal lunatic". There is something going on there that I wish I could understand. Something, concious or subconcious makes them think its ok when they do it.
Ooooh! Fun! :dopey:

Wellyrn, while I might not respect you, I will give you some friendly Advice. While George Carlin and Lewis Black are very funny people, you shouldn't revert to them for political consulting.

You also got your issues mixed up again. If this is a non-partisan thread, then why are you posting? You are clearly partisan Against america, and several of the good people of america including milefile, someone who I happen to respect.

1. A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.
2. A member of an organized body of fighters who attack or harass an enemy, especially within occupied territory; a guerrilla.

\Par"ti*san\, n. [F., fr. It. partigiano. See Party, and cf. Partisan a truncheon.] [Written also partizan.] 1. An adherent to a party or faction; esp., one who is strongly and passionately devoted to a party or an interest. ``The violence of a partisan.'' --Macaulay.

Do you expect anyone to take you remotely seriously if you can't manage to be consistant with the title of your thread? This little thread is the very definition of partisan.

Why didn't you just entitle it: "Let's whine some more about America, Part 8"? Or better yet, "Self Righteous Hypocrites of the World, Unite!"

wellyrn if this was written by anybody else i'd be laughing by arse off. but i'm not becuase i know you are serious. As an American, i do NOT want to take over the world. I do NOT think my government is always right (far from it actually). And plenty of us Americans are better than everybody else. But definately NOT ALL of us. There are plenty of brainless morons in the US. There are, IMO thousands, maybe Millions of Americans who dont even deserve to live here. But, you obvisouly don't want to hear from anyone who disagrees with you. That doesn't sound very "non-partisan" to me. Oh, and i can post here, because my voter registration is NPA (no party affiliation), so HA!
They call it "nation building", "family values" and "patriotism". In other words they want to take over the world, they think they are better than everyone else and thier government is always right.

That's America. We just want to take over the world because we're better than everyone else. That's why we keep trying to invade Canada and Mexico. That's why we're going to take over Europe.

You should sit down and think about these issues with an open mind for once.

By the way, I'm currently registered and affiliate with a 3rd party.
Clearly you did not understand the point of this thread. You all know who you are voting for in the next election. Please leave.

If you are honestly undecided feel free to contribute orginal and unique ideas. I might freak out if I heard any of the usual partisan BS.
M- spec: call me what you want but only if you can back it up. You haven't, so STFU.

I am supremely surprised at you calling yourselves non-partisan.


Mr. W: George Bush sent the wrong message to the UN when he ignored them kicked thier inspectors out of Iraq and then went to war without thier full support.

Mr. X: Well what message does John Kerrys flip flopping send to the UN?


thats not a response, its not an arguement, it only makes any sense in your stupid 2 party dictatorship so I am not going to listen to it here. If you can't abide by that don't bother staying. OK?
WOW, even more that i forgot to refute...

NO I AM NOT PARTISAN! period. i don't see how this could even come into question. Im canadian and I voted for 2 different parties in the last 2 elections here. I don't belong to any political group of any sort online or IRL. Comprende?

If i seem anti-american to you too frickin bad. I wasn't born that way but years hearing douches like you talk has given me certain opinions. I don't hate every american, just 98% of the ones i've actually talked to. If don't like it try not being such a**holes to any person who questions little things like 10,000 dead civilians and no WMD.
i'm not anti-american

America, its the super power, it's everyones concern, you probably notice its culture forcing its way into yours... what are its best and more importantly worst aspects?

First off: Manifest Destiny, Moral Righteousness, Jingoism. They call it "nation building", "family values" and "patriotism". In other words they want to take over the world, they think they are better than everyone else and thier government is always right. Thier beliefs are incompatible with the majority of the world. How do you think this will span out in the future and how should American citizens who love thier country at the expense of the world be dealt with?


ok, so you hate 98% of the americans you've talked to. And this entire thread is for people to speak out against america, and why we are evil. Yet...... your not anti-American.... that's an incredible feat. Oh, and is it just me, or did you not read the definitions for Partisan as so kindly listed by ///M??? i think you fit that bill, in fact, most of us probably fit one of those definitions, in one way or another.

Oh, and what part of America has been FORCED on you or anyone else?

I find it QUITE interesting that you COMPLETELY IGNORED the personal attack made by milefile against wellryn, and moved directly to your own attack of wellryn. Care to explain, or do you have an excuse for this too? Don't tell other people to read the AUP or TOS until you address current violators.
^^^ milefile's personal attack could have been more tactifully worded. but, well, wellyrn has a history or ignoring what he doesn't want to hear, posing loaded questions, and just not getting the facts right. none of us are perfect either. but wellyrn is definately anti-America. how does he explain this thread if he isn't?
Yeah but a lot of people on here think I'm anti-American, but I'm not. There's a difference between hating America and not agreeing with much of how the country is run and the mindset of its civilians. I understand that Americans have a lot of pride in their country, though, and that sometimes makes it a little harder to see clearly.

BTW, that wasn't meant as an insult.
I will allow myself this one non-partisan indulgence before this thread is closed: You are a pathetic idiot.
Much as I agree with the accuracy of this statement and the appropriate depth of analysis it shows, I do have to reprimand milefile.

The intellectual and moral high ground are yours. Do not throw them away with this kind of language.

I find it QUITE interesting that you COMPLETELY IGNORED the personal attack made by milefile against wellryn, and moved directly to your own attack of wellryn. Care to explain, or do you have an excuse for this too? Don't tell other people to read the AUP or TOS until you address current violators.
Consider it done. See note above.

Now, Anderton, suppose you address exactly how we should treat a user who comes in with an offensive, ill-thought-out message, and tells us to leave so that we can't point out the gaping holes in his every argument? Does not wellryn's opening statement constitute a broad spectrum personal attack? In fact, does not 90% of what he posts on this board fit that criteria?

I'll answer my own question: yes, it does. By the tone of his opening message he has forfeit his right to be treated with much respect.
M- spec: call me what you want but only if you can back it up. You haven't, so STFU.
Mr. wellyrn, you've just made my day. You're getting a temporary suspension while the moderators determine the future of your case. Membership in this forum is a privelege, not a right, and you have that privelege at the pleasure of the site's owner. If he determines that you have made a worthwhile contribution to this forum, your suspension will be lifted. If he feels that you abuse that privelege, you'll have something else to bitterly resent about Americans.

I'm sure that you'll think this is for your political views. It isn't. Since you have shown no interest whatsoever in listening to reasoned debate, I don't expect you to believe that. Truthfully, no amount of patient explanation is likely to make you feel otherwise. So take it at face value or not all; I couldn't really care less.
MU-WA-HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! :mischievous: i'm sorry, i shouldn't gloat, but just new him telling a Mod to "STFU" was not going to fly for very long. i was going to point it out, but as i trusted, it didn't take long to get noticed by the appropriate parties. Anderton If i were you, and this is obviously just my personal opinion, I would NOT defend, or keep company with wellyrn. You are definately more mature, and able to carry on a proper 'discussion' than he is. and not to mention the fact that association with people who tell Mods to "STFU" probably isn't good for your membership either.
wellyrn if this was written by anybody else i'd be laughing by arse off. but i'm not becuase i know you are serious. As an American, i do NOT want to take over the world. I do NOT think my government is always right (far from it actually). And plenty of us Americans are better than everybody else. But definately NOT ALL of us. There are plenty of brainless morons in the US. There are, IMO thousands, maybe Millions of Americans who dont even deserve to live here. But, you obvisouly don't want to hear from anyone who disagrees with you. That doesn't sound very "non-partisan" to me. Oh, and i can post here, because my voter registration is NPA (no party affiliation), so HA!

Are you seriously going to rationalize yourself to this moron? This post merely degrades you.

I find it QUITE interesting that you COMPLETELY IGNORED the personal attack made by milefile against wellryn, and moved directly to your own attack of wellryn. Care to explain, or do you have an excuse for this too? Don't tell other people to read the AUP or TOS until you address current violators.

It's simple. Some people deserve to be personally attacked. Oh, and there's favoritism and preferential treatment.

There... I spelled it out for you :dopey:

Love the big type. It makes it look like you're yelling.
Methinks thread was doomed from start, methinks thread is doomed now, mecloses thread.

Just as an update, the verdict is negative on wellyrn. He won't be coming back.

I would like to point out yet again that wellyrn was not banned for his political views. He was banned for the offensive, non-logical, and patently hypocritical ways that he presented his views, and his attitude towards any who dared to disagree or even question his views. He is quite possibly the most hypocritical user I have ever come across in his accusations and opinions; hysterically denying your own closed-minded bigotry while vehemently accusing everyone else of the same thing is not the way to win debates.

I find it QUITE interesting that you COMPLETELY IGNORED the personal attack made by milefile against wellryn, and moved directly to your own attack of wellryn. Care to explain, or do you have an excuse for this too? Don't tell other people to read the AUP or TOS until you address current violators.

Let me clarify something so there is no confusion.

If my post can be construed as a personal attack against Wellryn, then his opening post can also be construed as a personal attack against me.

I am an American. He posted that Americans as a group were: interested in taking over the world through military conquest (absurd and offensive), morally righteous (ironic), jingoistic (inaccurate), think we are better than anyone else (speculation) and have a belief system incompatible with the rest of the world (patent absurdity). Better yet, he suggested with thread was for the purpose of "dealing" with certain Americans who love their country (because patriotism is always at the expense of others, but only if it is in America apparently) because they are "clueless". It was a personal attack against group of 290 million of which I happen to be a part of. And it happens day after day here. And to top it all off, he has the audacity to claim he was non-partisan.

My reply simply suggested that anyone who shares the viewpoints of his post and the spirit of this thread were also self-righteous and, in fact, hypocrites. It was no more directed at him personally as he did to me.

He opened this door, Anderton. I simply obliged him by following him in.

I have a simple personal rule for the Opinions forum. If you want to attack a group of people and you do it in a blatant, hostile and hateful way, then you open yourself up to verbal retaliation in kind. This is NOT an official policy of GTPlanet or of any of the other mods, but my own.

Wellryn made several veiled attacks and insults on danoff and 87chevy in this thread.

No one called him on it.

As for milefile, I didn't ignore it. I simply didn't have the time to review his status because I noticed he has a pattern of minor offenses so I decided to wait till morning or let one of my capable colleges take care of it. I had dinner sitting on the table. And as much as I enjoy chastising long time, well respected members for doing something they should know better not to do[/end sarcasm], I have a life outside of GTP.

If you want to discuss this further, you are always welcome to PM me directly.

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