Nonsensical Engine Mods (MiTo 1.4 T Sport '09)

  • Thread starter ALB123
United States
So, I couldn't sleep and decided to go and clean up the scraps I left in the early stages of the game -- License Test stages and One-Make races where I only had a bronze or silver medal, stuff like that. Anyway, I finally have all gold in the National B License Test section so I am awarded a MiTo 1.4 T Sport '09...Hurray!

For kicks I went into the Car Settings page to see what kind of power this car can handle. Immediately I notice something very strange. If you choose to do Engine Tuning Stage 2 you will see your horsepower increases from 152 to 170 and Performance Points increase from 382 to 396, for only 18,500 credits. If you choose to do Engine Tuning Stage 3 you will see your horsepower also increase from 152 to 170 but your Performance Points will only increase to 395, all for the tidy sum of 42,500 credits! You're paying over double the credits for Stage 3 tuning and getting less PP. Incredible...

I understand that some Turbo modifications produce more power with a Mid RPM Range Kit rather than a High RPM Range, but that actually makes some sense based on the type of car/engine.

I'm sure most people are thinking "Who cares? It's only the stupid MiTo! I don't even drive the thing...." well, I understand but I still think it's worth bringing up. Are there any other cars with Engine Tuning like this in GT6? I haven't noticed before this example. However, I don't do Engine Tuning very often - only if I'm applying someone's tune and it calls for it, but then I'm just blindly applying their settings - not comparing differences.
The Peugeot LeMans RaceCar (Diesel) had some issues with Stage3 turbo, producing less power or smth like that. Don't know if they fixed it finally.

Because if you won't fix it fast enough, I won't use it at all and won't care about later fixes.
I don't know why people are saying its a fault in the game.

Not all engines can produce enough exhaust to turn a high RPM turbo.

Now with that said. There are a number of low power and other cars that have a better torque range with the Mid turbo.

Now the reason the pp will differ with the same HP is cause the torque will be higher. No fault just a misunderstood pp calculation system.
PP doesn't solely take peak power into account, but rather power across the range. If you take a 150hp car and bolt on a few upgrades before flattening it back to 150hp, you'll see the one that produces 150hp across more of the rev range will have a higher PP rating. Edit: they may be using torque as their metric, but the result is the same either way.

I haven't looked at this car, but I'm sure the stage 3 engine shifts that peak power into a high enough RPM that it has a lower average HP across the range (but with proper gearing it will be capable of a higher top speed, no doubt). Combined with other upgrades, I think you'll also find the stage 3 engine will result in more power on a completed build.
The pp system takes in to effect torque, a lot. Check the torque numbers too. Plus it appears to also take in to consideration, the power and torque curves like where they peak and how it curves.