Noob Question....

  • Thread starter Ryan G
When you are looking at your transmission settings, whats the diffrence between the top speed (at the bottom of the screen) and the speed at the top right hand corner? Why is there a diffrence between the two? Top speed may say 180 but the speed in the top right hand corner may say 186....what gives? thanks!
Neither of them tells the truth really... Top right is something like estimated top speed which the game calculates by using the gear ratios and the rev limit. :?: The adjustable setting is just for setting up the gear ratios somewhere close to the top speed you want. But usually they both fail... With my escort rally car, the game displays both as 260 but im only getting somewhere around 230 and then im hitting the limiter.
I think the speed you set is actually the speed the car would reach providing the power is there and there isn't air resistance.

As a guide, always set it a little higher than you need it.
I set my Top Speed according to track. If I know I have the slow car I'll boost to top speed to keep up in the draft. Other than that I don't really mess with the ratios [horrible, I know]
I think the speed you set is actually the speed the car would reach providing the power is there and there isn't air resistance.

As a guide, always set it a little higher than you need it.

The top speed Tuner uses presets. Use just it and the speed will remain the same. However once you Adjust the individual gears or FD you have altered it from the preset setting of the Top Speed Slider. Only the Speed Indicated at the Top will be accurate (not exactly accurate, but I'll explain that in a sec.) the speed indicated by the Top Speed Slider will only be reflective of your starting point for adjusting individual gears. It will also change depending on your FD setting. E.G. a top speed slider setting set while the FD is at 4.000 will give different values than if the FD was set to 5.000 or 3.000 before adjusting the TS Slider.

Here is the details of "accurate"
The Top Speed Displayed at the Top is what your car would hit if A) It had the power to do so and B) providing there is no rolling or wind resistance. So even with enough power to hit the goal speed, you need to overshoot the goal speed to achieve said speed before tapping the rev limiter overshoot too much and you will either take to long to hit said speed or puff out before getting there.