Don't think your connection was performing well tonight Skyline, everyone was warping all over the place, was really impossible to drive.
I was willing to continue even after a five second penalty at the start because someone decided not to move off the grid. But trying to pass some of the laggy people just ended up in me getting smashed into a wall at ridiculous speed, breaking my car, giving me a shortcut/collision penalty and generally ruining the experience.
It's not your fault that it happens and I do appreciate the races, they are good fun. I just wish they didn't have the laggy collision lottery at the start. Whoever gets away cleanly has such a tremendous advantage.
I wanted to get into second and chase persian down, but the laggy people just shunted me to pieces, it wasn't possible :/
Sorry to the rest for talking a little in the room as the race went on, didn't mean to be distracting.