Norwegians and Swedes only!

  • Thread starter Patrik

Would you mind if Norway and Sweden became united kingdoms again?

  • No

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


Would you mind if Norway and Sweden once again became united kingdoms?

Norway have always been the underdog, to both Sweden and Denmark.. NOW that we got oil and wealthyness you're coming.. lol.. harsh, I know :)

I dig Swedes though. We got a lot to learn from you on for instance modesty, and I want some of that style/flair you got. Gonna get myself to Stockholm atleast once this year, as it kicks butt.
I always assumed you had a healthy hatred for each other untill I read about Alfred Nobel on wikipedia. Good to hear you get along.
Norway have always been the underdog, to both Sweden and Denmark.. NOW that we got oil and wealthyness you're coming.. lol.. harsh, I know :)

I dig Swedes though. We got a lot to learn from you on for instance modesty, and I want some of that style/flair you got. Gonna get myself to Stockholm atleast once this year, as it kicks butt.

We could also learn how not to act like a bureaucratic country. And Siv Jensen should study Islam and muslims better before she attacks them. It's great not to be a part of the European Union, but with that comes consequences. I'm getting tired of the skyhigh food and car prices, but at the same time it gives the farmers a chance to do what they're doing.

If Norway and Sweden would unite, that would mean EU for us. Never going to happen. On that, if Sweden would want it, it'd be only for our resources :P
Actually, I think not only Jensen and her FrP party is exaggorrating the "islamification", but most other right-situated parties in other countries are as well.

Ok, so hijab's should not be allowed amongst policewomen, but way too much people are taking this islam thing overboard. They're attacking and protecting themselves against islam as if this religion is becoming a serious threat against our societies... what?
Sweden is our sensible, big brother. Norway is their stupid, kid brother who got all the cash. Basically :)

what does that make out of Finland? hot headed little brother who does the fights because big brother is afraid for his hairnet and nail polish and can't hire a gun for a fight and rich brother is pre-occupied with mirror? :lol:
Finland, alcoholics and school massacres :)

Actually, I think not only Jensen and her FrP party is exaggorrating the "islamification", but most other right-situated parties in other countries are as well.

Ok, so hijab's should not be allowed amongst policewomen, but way too much people are taking this islam thing overboard. They're attacking and protecting themselves against islam as if this religion is becoming a serious threat against our societies... what?

True words. Norway is pretty whack at the mo. It seems everyone are talking about their freedom of speech, and that Islam is the most dangerous thing in the whole world.. Are they afraid of the dark too, perhaps?
Oh please, everyone around the world had to beg for our mercy. We had the best boats anyway, and during WWII everyone wanted our coastline :P

Just kidding, but while we're on the subject of Vikings, you guys should definitly check out the Viking "saga's". Personally I love reading them, they're hard to understand but there may have been given out translated versions, although I'm not sure.

It's just that Norway and Sweden was united about a century ago.
As a dane living in Norway, close to the swedish border, let me point out that Denmark ruled over Norway far longer than Sweden did.:sly:

And I hope that no one is bothered by me voting "no". Because, hey, both countries have their ups and downs.
If they united that would result in quite a metal scene.

I actually have about 25GB of music from Norway, Sweden and Finland :crazy:
I really like Norway and norweigans. Funny accent (in a good way), very beautiful landscape and so on.

One thing however I feel sort of bad about being a swede, is that norweigans seems far more "into" Sweden than we are "into" Norway. I mean, you listen to swedish music, knows more in public about Sweden than we do about Norway and so on. But perhaps norweigans don't have a problem with this? I guess it's from person to person...

EDIT: When talking about music, one of very few norweigan tunes I've heard is:


Oh, I listened some to Windir back in the days though! R.I.P Valfar.
I always assumed you had a healthy hatred for each other untill I read about Alfred Nobel on wikipedia. Good to hear you get along.
That all depends on who you're asking. I think the majority of both countries is not having any bad thoughts about the other though. As eiriksmil said, we are like brothers and brothers like to fight and say they're better than each other, lol.

EDIT: Nothing against danes, but I'm just curious. Are norwegians having the same difficulty understanding danish as it's spoken? Reading is not a problem at all with both danish and norwegian. I can hear almost everything a norwegian is saying, but to hear what a dane is talking about is almost impossible in my case. :/
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There's certain accents of norwegian that's really difficult to understand as well though. And some of Danish that aren't that difficult to understand.
As a Dane, I find Swedish easy to read but hard to understand when hearing it. Then it's the oppesite with Norwegian. Funny :)
Have you scandinavians outside of Sweden heard of Ronny & Ragge? I guess not, but I think they're pretty funny. Here's when they're repairing their Ford Taunus 2.0L:

I answered yes in the poll. What I really would like to see though is for Denmark, Sweden and Finland to leave EU and create a Nordic Union instead together with Norway and Iceland. The cultural differences between the secularized nordic countries and catholic Portugal or Poland are to great to ever create a functioning union with the same rules and laws. The nordic countries on the other hand have the same type of social democrat society (whether we like it or not).